This mail-out test called Matrix Assessment Profile (MAP) was invented 15 years ago by Dr. Richard A. DiCenso, a seasoned veteran at finding the source of chronic symptoms (
What Western Medicine calls disease, Dr. DiCenso calls "Vicious Cycle Disorder," where symptoms are treated and covered up until nutritional deficiencies add up and toxic acids in the body begin to corrode tissues, glands, and organs, leading to critical illnesses.
Dr. DiCenso also refers to a phenomenon called total body toxicity, where a pool of toxins is created by repeatedly ingesting toxic foods, fluoridated water and pharmaceuticals. MAP testing reveals exactly which organs have nutritional deficiencies and how your symptoms reflect that. "If you find the source you find the solution," says DiCenso, and "If you only address the symptoms you compound the problem."
The body is designed to create and eliminate waste products in a 24 hour cycle, so anything retained becomes poison. The MAP test shows Dr. DiCenso exactly how you digest, absorb and retain nutrients, and your inability to process and excrete toxins.
Turning symptoms into solutions
Dr. DiCenso, a genius innovator who takes pride in his ability to expertly analyze and evaluate a patient's nutrient "profile," puts his patients on the right path more quickly than any other method, saving his patients a fortune. The MAP test reveals which systems are under stress, and DiCenso guides you to the right foods.The beauty of MAP testing is that you can test from anywhere in the world. You simply visit his website (, punch in basic info, and the package is mailed to you. You provide a urine sample and a saliva sample, fill out the health history form, mail it, and within 2 weeks you have a complete diagnosis by phone from Dr. DiCenso.
Vicious Cycle Disorder (VCD) is very common and MAP testing allows DiCenso to see the forest for the trees. The American public has been brainwashed into using pharmaceuticals to relieve symptoms, an unfortunate "tradition" for over 100 years. Most symptoms are basically "the effect of a nutritional imbalance or deficiency," and the long term result is VCD, not a disease. "Treat the source of the problem at that level and the problem is solved."
If you smoke cigarettes and want to quit, you can accelerate results by combining MAP testing with 14AndOut (, a unique program which also addresses nutritional deficiencies and toxicity as part of VCD. Also, check out Dr. DiCenso's most recent book called "Beyond Medicine; exploring a new way of thinking" (
"The people who are most busy and can't afford the time or money to take care of themselves are often the people who spend more time and money trying to manage their sickness instead of managing their health." (
Remember, disease is just a fancy word for bad nutrition, and pharmaceuticals are nothing but a band-aid. Get to the root of your problems. Your body needs antioxidants, minerals, probiotics, and immune building superfoods. It's like a maze out there and everybody needs a "MAP."
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