Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Alternatives to Cancer, Inc.

A conference coming up in April reminds us that there is a lot going on in integrative cancer treatments.
Conventional treatments (“cut, burn, and poison,” essentially) work for a few types of cancers, but completely fail for many. Consider these five-year cancer survival rates:
  • Esophageal: 3% for esophageal cancers that metastasize, which is common in this aggressive cancer; the average for all forms of esophageal cancer is 15–20%
  • Lung: 4% for lung cancers that metastasize; the average for all forms of lung cancer is 16%
  • Pancreatic: 2% for pancreatic cancers that metastasize; the average for all forms of pancreatic cancer is 6%
Despite these dismal statistics, the conventional cancer industry resists change. Patients with little chance of being cured with chemo get chemo anyway, even though it eliminates any chance the body will recover on its own and makes the end of their life much more miserable than it would have been.
Even worse, scientists have found that healthy cells damaged by chemo can secrete a protein which makes cancer worse by triggering more tumor growth. Moreover the cancer cells that survive chemo tend to be the more aggressive ones, which can also lead to faster tumor growth.

Read more: http://www.anh-usa.org/alternatives-to-cancer-inc/

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