Thursday, December 31, 2015

Robocop created, it's called TeleBot

The late 1980s sci-fi flick RoboCop featured a half-man, half-robotic creature that was deployed to the mean, decaying streets of Detroit in a bid to replace human police officers (and save money).

In an early scene, a full robot was being demonstrated by its corporate developers, but wound up short-circuiting and blowing away one of the executives when it malfunctioned. The fix? Just tweak some software programming and that would do it.

The thought of robotic police officers patrolling the streets of America did not vanish with the fading popularity of the RoboCop movie series, however. In fact, that concept is alive and well today, and its development is moving forward.

Meet "TeleBot," created by researchers from Florida International University (FIU) "to help disabled officers and veterans return to the field," the Miami New Times (MNT) reported.

Built by FIU's Discovery Lab, the university claims that TeleBot will be the first "functional, mobile... and interactive" robot that could be patrolling the streets of Miami in less than two years.

"Incredibly fast and very low-budget"

But rather than resemble RoboCop, its developers say TeleBot is more like the characters in the movie Avatar.

"In Avatar, the disabled veteran got injured in the back, so he can't walk, and he rebounds by connecting to a system," Janghoon Kim, director of Discovery Lab and chief designer of TeleBot, told MNT. "We want to build that kind of system."

Kim's team has been successful in a number of realms. First, the prototype TeleBot was up and walking within 18 months, a huge feat in and of itself. But the team also developed the cop aide with a budget of just $20,000.

As MNT further reported, the project was truly a team effort:

Besides Kim, the project has been undertaken by Dr. Nagarajan Prabakar and Dr. S.S. Iyengar, as well as 11 volunteer undergrad students and one intern from MAST Academy High School. External support has come from U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jeremy Robins and 3D designer and lab manager Mangai Prabakar.

"It is incredibly fast and also very, very low-budget," said Kim.

TeleBot is about six feet tall, weighs 80 pounds and is equipped with cameras that collect and transmit data, so it can provide its "TeleOperator" a 360-degree view.

And the goal is admirable -- providing a tool for helping disabled police officers and veterans who want to be police officers.

Robots are also being developed by the military to perform all sorts of functions, from sniffing out and disabling roadside bombs to replacing troops on the battlefield.

The Pentagon's ultra-secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has thus far spent decades researching and developing battlefield-type drones and robots, but with limited success. As noted by RoboHub, DARPA has funded several projects along these lines, "but they lack the portable power source and intelligence that would allow them to act beyond very limited non-combat roles."

They will assume moral agency at some point

One approach has been the "cyborgazation" of soldiers -- that is, combine humans with robotic features that allow them to become super-strong and much more durable. And, some experts believe, similar technology could eventually be utilized by police (if budgets permit).

"This concept offers the best of both worlds: the quick reaction times, precision, and strength of robotic systems and the control and superior cognitive abilities of humans," reported RoboHub.

In particular, the Army has been working on a concept known as "Land Warrior," an integrated battlefield system that links individual soldiers to a network "designed to cut through the fog of war," Popular Mechanics reported.

The system includes eyepieces containing digital maps, advanced encrypted radio communications with a 1-kilometer range and a specially designed infantry rifle. But, as PopMech reported, it's much ado about nothing; the soldiers who have tested the system don't care much for it.

"It's just a bunch of stuff we don't use, taking the place of useful stuff like guns," Sgt. James Young, who was leading a team of four M-240 machine-gunners during a recent field-testing exercise at Fort Lewis, Wash. "It makes you a slower, heavier target."

But it's not the gear itself that is problematic. There is an ethical consideration that needs to be addressed as well, and soon.

As noted by The Economist, robots are already so much a part of everyday life, it only follows that someday they "are bound to end up making life-or-death decisions in unpredictable situations, thus assuming--or at least appearing to assume--moral agency."


Thursday, December 24, 2015

How to make pemmican - a nutritious superfood for survival that lasts decades

It may come as a surprise to learn that the most nutritionally-complete food on the planet is not only easy to make at home, but can also be stored unrefrigerated for many years without spoiling.

Dubbed the "original MRE," or, "Meal, Ready-to-Eat," pemmican is a survival superfood that was developed by Native Americans many centuries ago. It contains everything the body needs to sustain itself in a healthy fashion for an extended period of time.

Pemmican consists primarily of powdered dried meat mixed in equal amounts with rendered animal fat. The early Americans used meats such as buffalo and elk; today, pemmican is typically made with beef. We suggest using grass-fed meat, as animals fed in this manner are raised significantly more humanely.

The Native Americans were also known to mix in a small amount of dried berries (around five percent -- by weight -- of the total ingredients).

Pemmican: Enjoyed by early settlers, still provides health benefits today

The Pemmican Manual, by Lex Rooker, contains a wealth of information on the subject, from the history of its use by early settlers to recipes for making pemmican at home.

"When pemmican was discovered by our early Frontiersmen (explorers, hunters, trappers, and the like) it became a highly sought after commodity. The Hudson Bay Company purchased tons of pemmican from the native tribes each year to satisfy the demand," Rooker explains. "The basic unit of trade was an animal hide filled with pemmican, sealed with pure rendered fat on the seams, and weighed about 90 pounds. As long as it was kept away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight, it would last for many years with no refrigeration or other method of preservation."

Those frontiersmen knew a good thing when they saw it. Pemmican was ideal for travel and for stockpiling a source of highly-concentrated nutritious food during lean or cold periods.

The same considerations apply today. For surviving a SHTF scenario, you'll need portable, high-energy rations that can be stored indefinitely.

There are a few variations on the theme, but most recipes for pemmican follow the same basic methods.

How to make pemmican at home

First, you'll need to dehydrate your meat (and berries, if you want to add them. Keep in mind berries are prone to spoilage and may shorten the shelf life of the pemmican; it may be worth replacing them with another healthy item such as cinnamon). Use a food dehydrator or an oven at its lowest setting to slowly dry out these ingredients.

Rooker warns of being careful not to overheat the meat, saying that lean meat should be dehydrated below 120 degrees Fahrenheit, ideally staying between 100 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures that are too high will cook the meat too much and take away from the nutritional value.

Once you've dried the meat, grind it into a powder and add in the dried berries, if desired.

Next, you must render the fat. You can use tallow (rendered from beef or mutton) or lard (from pork). When doing this on a stovetop, simply heat the ground fat by simmering and stirring occasionally. Then strain the liquid that ultimately forms into a mason jar using a cheesecloth or coffee filter.

Once the fat is rendered and strained, it can be mixed with the dried meat and shaped into balls or set into a mold. The trick is to not use too much fat or the pemmican may eventually turn rancid; add just enough to thoroughly moisten the mixture and bind everything together.

Why not try some variations on the theme?

Honey, which yields a similar shelf life, can be used in place of animal fat. Adding some spices, such as cumin with black pepper, may also be tasty addition to this recipe.

Long-lasting nutrition for active people, SHTF situations

As Rooker notes, pemmican is the perfect food for someone on the move. It's also ideal for possible SHTF scenarios.

"Ten pounds of pemmican will easily sustain a backpacker for a full week providing 1 1/2 pounds of pemmican per day which would supply 4,400 calories -- enough to support strenuous climbing at high altitude and in cold weather." He adds, "The same 10 pounds of pemmican would supply food for two full weeks of leisure camping activities at 3/4 pound per day providing 2,200 calories."

Sources for this article include: [PDF]

Saturday, December 19, 2015

New multi-toxin GMOs that produce their own poison carry 'serious health and environmental risks' scientific review finds

New strains of GM crops that produce pesticides in their own tissues are being approved without rigorous safety testing, even though they may carry "serious health and environmental risks," according to a research review conducted by scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, and published in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science on November 9.

The crops in question are engineered to carry pesticide-producing genes from the bacterial species Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). In recent years, companies have increasingly turned to crossbreeding different varieties of Bt crops, producing crops that now carry numerous different strains of Bt toxin at once. These "stacked-trait" crops are being approved for planting and sale, based on several false assertions made by the genetically modified (GM) crop industry, the study found.

Hiding toxic effects

One such assertion is that each individual Bt toxin affects only a small number of insect pests, and has no effects on other species such as beneficial insect predators ("non-target" species). But the researchers found numerous studies showing the opposite to be true.

According to lead researcher Angelika Hilbeck, companies hide the truth by defining non-target effects in a highly narrow fashion: a "quick kill."

"This is an economic concept: you want a quick kill for economic reasons, to save the crop from pest-induced damage," Hilbeck said. "But Bt toxins are not fast-acting toxins. Even in target pests, Bt toxins don't kill quickly – it takes most susceptible insects a day or more to die. The Bt toxin in GM crops is expressed in the crop plant for months at a time. Residues linger in soil and aquatic systems.

"Regulatory tests need to look at long-term and sublethal effects, because that is what non-target organisms are likely to be exposed to. Currently these tests are not required. Yet we found a lot of evidence in the scientific literature that non-target organisms such as ladybirds, water fleas, lacewings and even slugs are adversely affected by Bt toxins."

The review also turned up evidence that Bt toxins may have long-term, toxic effects in mammals – including, potentially, in humans who eat GM crops.

The uncertainty around the safety of stacked-trait Bt crops is only worsened, the researchers noted, by the fact that scientists do not even understand how Bt toxins function. The formerly accepted model has been widely discredited due to new research, and the revelation of scientific misconduct and data tampering by the researchers who first proposed it.

More dangerous than single pesticides

Another false industry claim is that use of Bt crops reduces pesticide use. But the review found that the total pesticide load in stacked-trait Bt crops often exceeded the typical amount of pesticide used in a non-GM field. For example, SmartStax GM corn contains six different Bt toxins and two herbicide tolerant traits. The total Bt toxin load in this crop is 19 times the average 2010 pesticide application rate!

Perhaps the most glaring regulatory failing uncovered by the review, is the acceptance of industry claims that stacked-trait crops should be approved on the basis of tests conducted on single-trait crops. Yet the review uncovered numerous studies showing that stacked-trait crops caused biological effects not produced by any of the individual toxins alone. The same thing occurred when Bt toxins were mixed with neonicotinoid insecticides, as commonly occurs in the field.

The review also found that industry dossiers seeking stacked-trait approval consistently failed to mention the studies that contradicted their false assumptions. Regulators did not require any further safety testing of stacked-trait crops, beyond a few short-term insect feeding trials.

Instead, the researchers said, regulators should require long-term mammal feeding trials, as a minimum.

Furthermore, Hilbeck said, "We have to extend the definition of 'effect' from the economic to the ecological."

Sources for this article include:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

American Cancer Society admits conventional cancer treatment causes more cancer

The more radiation therapy you receive, the more likely it is you'll develop a second cancer caused by that radiation, according to a document[PDF] released by the American Cancer Society, which admits that certain organs such as the breast and thyroid are more prone to developing a second cancer.

This information is followed by a new study which found that second cancers in Americans have increased a whopping 300 percent since the 1970s, all of which are a completely new type of cancer and not a reoccurrence of an old cancer.

The study also found that first cancers have spiked 70 percent over the last 45 years, highlighting the burgeoning profitability of an industry that shows no signs of slowing down as capital gains from cancer drugs reached the $100 billion mark last year.

Radiation, which may damage DNA, is believed to be responsible for 1.5 percent of cancer in the United States, and that's not just from cancer therapy treatments but also from other sources of radiological imaging such as mammograms and coronary artery and CT scans, the latter of which delivers 100 to 500 times the radiation of an ordinary X-ray.

"For every 1,000 people undergoing a cardiac CT scan, the radiation adds one extra case of cancer to the 420 that would normally occur," according to The New York Times.

Children exposed to radiation much more likely to develop breast cancer

Children who have received radiation therapy as a cancer treatment are much more likely to develop breast cancer later on in life. Age at the time of radiation plays a factor as the "therapy" affects the development of other tumors including lung and thyroid cancer, gastrointestinal and stomach cancer and bone sarcoma.

If a patient receives chemotherapy and radiation, their risk for developing some type of second cancer soars even higher.

Chemotherapy is actually considered a greater risk factor in causing leukemia than radiation and has been linked to the following second cancers: myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS, the most common) acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

Testicular cancer has also been linked to chemotherapy treatment.

Chemotherapy increases the risk of developing hard-to-treat leukemia

The alkylating agents in chemo drugs are to blame, as they interfere with cellular DNA, sometimes causing the development of AML and MDS, which may then progress to ALL.

Some alkylating agents known to cause cancer include:

• mechlorethamine
• chlorambucil
• cyclophosphamide (cytoxan)
• melphalan,
• lomustine (CCNU)
• carmustine (BCNU)
• busulfan

The longer you receive treatment involving alkylating agents, as well as the higher the dose, the more likely you are to develop a second cancer, with the risk for leukemia rising about two years following treatment and peaking between five and ten years, after which the risk reportedly dwindles.

Second cancers caused by chemo drugs are "hard to treat and have a poor outcome"

Though not as risky, other chemotherapy drugs can also cause second cancers. Chemo drugs cisplatin and carboplatin act similarity to alkylating agents in the way they attack cancer cells, in turn also increasing certain types of leukemia that are difficult to treat and often have a poor outcome.

If cisplatin or carboplatin are given in combination with radiation, the risk for developing leukemia rises.

Topoisomerase II inhibitors, a class of chemo drugs that inhibit cells from being able to repair DNA, also contribute to the risk of developing leukemia, particularly AML, which develops much sooner (within two to three years) after treatment compared with alkylating agents.

Drugs in this class include:

• Etoposide (VP-16)
• Teniposide
• Mitoxantrone (Novantrone)

Another class of chemo drugs called anthracyclines, which are also topoisomerase II inhibitors, cause leukemia as well but aren't as risky as the other drugs mentioned.

These include:

• Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
• Daunorubicin
• Epirubicin (Ellence)
• Idarubicin


Monday, December 14, 2015

Obama Welcomes Hundreds of Thousands of Muslim Refugees but 'No Room' for Christian Refugees!

While the left continues to demagogue conservatives for calling for a “pause” in Muslim migration, until we can ensure that our vetting process is working, they seem strangely silent about their own bigoted behavior.
America’s liberals seem excited to receive several hundred thousand Muslim Syrians over the next few years, but when asked to take in a handful of Christians they become rather more reticent.

From the Hill:
America is about to accept 9000 Syrian Muslims, refugees of the brutal war between the Assad regime and its Sunni opposition, which includes ISIS, Al Qaeda, and various other militias. That number is predicted to increase each year.  There are no Christian refugees that will be admitted.
The Christians are being raped, tortured, and murdered by militias, not by the Syrian government. This technicality condemns them to continue to be victims without hope. And this technicality is being adhered to with all the tenacity with which President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s State Department manipulated quotas and created subterfuges  to keep out the Jews fleeing the oppression of Nazi Germany. Obama no more wants the Middle East’s Christian refugees than Roosevelt wanted Europe’s Jewish refugees.
It is deplorable, even monstrous, that the group most affected by the evils of ISIS (and other Muslim groups) are the one groups receiving the least amount of consideration from the Obama administration. Christians are being eradicated in historic numbers, an entire population is being systematically wiped from the earth… and the Obama administration (and their liberal cronies) does nothing. We conservatives may get the bad rap for being willing to speak honestly about the dangers of Muslim migration, but the true bigots are the liberals who are allowing , nay encouraging by their inaction, the genocide of an entire people.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Majority of EU nations ban GMO cultivation

The clock is ticking ever closer towards a much anticipated end for the world's biotech moguls. These corporate criminals are now being forced to watch their entire corrupt business model unravel, as country after country bans the cultivation of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) – a synthetic crop cultivation technology that's been shown scientifically to harm humans, animals and the environment.

European Union (E.U.) standards currently allow certain GMOs to be cultivated within the borders of member countries, but a majority of these member countries have chosen to "opt out" of the program altogether, due to concerns about both safety and necessity, according to reports. And if things keep moving in this direction throughout Europe, there's a good chance it will spill over into U.S. GMO policy as well.

According to GMO-Free Europe, the following countries have banned cultivation of Monsanto's MON 810 genetically-modified maize (corn), which is among the few GMOs that can legally be grown in Europe:

• Austria
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Hungary
• Italy
• Luxembourg
• Poland
• Romania
• Switzerland

A color-coded map of European countries with national bans or moratoriums on MON810 or other GMOs can be accessed here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.”
“Back in August, we did an investigation—the inspector general did—of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,” Lynch told Boston Public Radio.
“The [former DHS] director had to resign because of that,” he said.
DHS continues to fail inspections aimed at determining the efficiency of its internal safety mechanisms, as well as its efforts to protect the nation.
Lynch referred to a recent report that found the Transportation Security Administration, which is overseen by DHS, failed to stop 95 percent of those who attempted to bring restricted items past airport security.
“We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate,” Lynch said. “We had folks—this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate.”
Lynch said he has “very low confidence” in DHS based on its many failures over the years. For this reason, he voted in favor of recent legislation that will tighten the vetting process for any Syrian refugees applying for asylum in the United States.
“I have very low confidence based on empirical data that we’ve got on the Department of Homeland Security. I think we desperately need another set of eyeballs looking at the vetting process,” he said. “That’s vetting that’s being done at major airports where we have a stationary person coming through a facility, and we’re failing 95 percent of the time.”
“I have even lower confidence that they can conduct the vetting process in places like Jordan, or Belize or on the Syrian border, or in Cairo, or Beirut in any better fashion, especially given the huge volume of applicants we’ve had seeking refugee status,” Lynch said.

Read more:

Saturday, December 5, 2015

25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation

A new scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy. 
There are thousands of natural compounds that have been studied with demonstrable anti-cancer activity (check out over 600 on our cancer research database), but only a small subset of these have been proven to target and kill the cancer stem cells which lie at the root of cancer malignancy. Turmeric, for instance, we have featured a number of times for this “smart kill” property of targeting just the heart of cancerous tumors. More recently, ginger has been found in pre-clinical research to contain a compound up to 10,000 times more effective than the chemotherapy drug Taxol at killing breast cancer stem cells. Even common food like blueberry have special cancer killing properties, as discussed in a previous article: Research: Radiotherapy Causes Cancer, Blueberry Kills It.
A new study published in the journal Anticancer Research titled, “Natural Products That Target Cancer Stem Cells,” has made our job much easier of identifying this special category of cancer killers by reviewing the extant literature on the topic and listing the top 25 substances in this category. They are listed here below, along with some of their commonly recognizable dietary sources:
  1. 6-Gingerol – Ginger
  2. Cyclopamine – Corn Lilly [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
  3. Delphinidin – Blueberry, raspberrry
  4. Flavonoids (Genistein) – Soy, red clover, coffee
  5. Gossypol – Cottonseed [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
  6. Guggulsterone – Commiphora (myrrh tree)
  7. Isothiocyanates – Cruciferous vegetables
  8. Linalool – Mint
  9. Lycopene – Grapefruit, tomato
  10. Parthenolide – Feverfew
  11. Perylill alcohol – Mint, cherry, lavender
  12. Piperine – Black pepper
  13. Placycodon saponin – Playycodon grandifloruim
  14. Psoralidin – Psoralea corylilyfolia
  15. Quercetin – Capers, onion
  16. Resveratrol – Grapes, plums, berries
  17. Salinomycin – Streptomyces albus
  18. Silibinin – Milk Thistle
  19. Ursolic acid – Thyme, basil, oregano
  20. Vitamin D3 – Fish, egg yolk, beef, cod liver oil
  21. Withaferin A – Withania somnifera (ashwaganda)
Why are these substances so important?
The primary reason why conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy have failed to produce any significant improvements in cancer survival rates is because cancer stem cells are resistant to these interventions. In fact, chemotherapy and especially radiation are both capable of increasing the number and virulence of these cells in a tumor, while at the same time having the well-known side effect of further damaging the patient’s immune system.
While the cancer industry is still very much resistant to incorporating the implications of these findings into their standard of care (which is highly unethical), there are an increasing number of health practitioners that will not turn their back on the truth and are very much interested in alternative ways to prevent and treat cancer using food and/or plant-based approaches.
The new study addresses the relevance of cancer stem cells as follows:
The cancer stem cell model suggests that tumor initiation is governed by a small subset of distinct cells with stem-like character termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). CSCs possess properties of self-renewal and intrinsic survival mechanisms that contribute to resistance of tumors to most chemotherapeutic drugs. The failure to eradicate CSCs during the course of therapy is postulated to be the driving force for tumor recurrence and metastasis. Recent studies have focused on understanding the unique phenotypic properties of CSCs from various tumor types, as well as the signaling pathways that underlie self-renewal and drug resistance.
At present, the cancer industry has failed to produce a single drug that targets the cancer stem cell population of cells within a tumor, as confirmed by the study:
If indeed the CSC response is a vital criterion for cancer treatment evaluation, there are still no drugs in clinical use that specifically target CSCs.
The ability to selectively target cancer cells, and cancer stem cells in particular, while leaving intact the non-tumor cells in tissue is extremely important. We have created a section on our database that indexes research on these substances and now includes sixty-seven of them here. We are also building a section that collates research cancer stem cells, a topic will no doubt become a central part of the future of cancer treatment, assuming the priority is to actually alleviate suffering and not just make money off of patients.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Cumin Spiced Lettuce Roll Recipe

Cumin is a flavorful spice that will add character to any recipe, and is frequently used in Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, Greek, Indian, and Mediterranean cuisines. Considered a warm spice similar to cinnamon, cardamom, caraway, or nutmeg, cumin has an earthy, sweet, yet slightly bitter and smoky taste. A member of the parsley family, cumin is also a key ingredient in chili and curry powder.
Did You Know?
  • Lettuce makes an ideal weight loss food because aside from being low in calories, it also contains fiber and cellulose that help make you feel full and improve your digestion
  • Cumin’s impressive repertoire of vitamins and minerals enables it to deliver healing benefits, such as increasing cognitive performance, improving digestion, preventing diabetes, dispelling phlegm and mucous, and fighting viral infections
  • Cayenne pepper and other members of the chili pepper family naturally have capsaicin, a chemical component known to have an extensive array of therapeutic properties. Basically, the hotter the chili, the more capsaicin it has
In this recipe, I’ll show you how a dash of cumin can take this simple lettuce roll dish to a whole new level.
  • 1 head leaf lettuce (butter or red leaf)
  • 1 avocado, peeled and sliced into strips
  • 2 scallions, minced
  • 1 red bell pepper, minced
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • Dressing:
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  1. Cut out the lettuce cores. Separate leaves.
  2. Top with some minced scallions and a few pieces of red pepper.
  3. Add some sprouts and roll the leaf carefully. Secure with toothpick.
  4. Continue the process with the remaining lettuce roll ingredients.
  5. To make the dressing, whisk together lemon juice, honey, ground cumin, cayenne pepper, and salt. Add olive oil.
  6. Serve lettuce rolls with dressing on the side.
This recipe makes four to five servings.
(From Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type)

Cumin Spiced Lettuce Roll Preparation Tips

A popular salad staple, lettuce has several varieties you can choose from, such as butterhead, iceberg, and Romaine. Buying full heads of lettuce is more cost-effective, especially if you’re enjoying salads a great deal. But if you’re looking for convenience, you can also try salad mixes that come in bags.
To prepare your lettuce, tear off the leaves and wash them well. (Do not chop them using a knife to avoid bruising the sensitive leaves.) Dry them in a salad spinner or pat dry using clean paper towels. Lettuce is among the long list of vegetables that can be prone to a high pesticide load, so be sure you get locally grown, organic varieties.
Another superstar ingredient of this lettuce wrap recipe is avocado. This superfood not only tastes great, but it’s also very easy to incorporate into your diet. You can add avocado to salads, wraps, burritos, bruschettas, soups, smoothies – you name it!
To avoid ending up with a slimy, messy, and overripe avocado, here’s a tip: check under the stem or the cap on top of the fruit. If you pull off the stem and it’s green, you’ve got a good candidate that’s good enough to eat. But if it’s brown, this means the avocado is overripe and you’ll likely find nasty brown spots inside. However, if the stem won’t come off easily, this means the avocado is not yet ripe.
To preserve the area with the greatest concentration of antioxidants, peel your avocado as you would a banana. Here’s how:
  1. Cut the avocado lengthwise, around the seed.
  2. Holding each half, twist them in opposite directions to separate them from the seed.
  3. Remove the seed.
  4. Cut each half, lengthwise.
  5. Using your thumb and index finger, peel the skin off each piece.
Kitchen Hack: to prevent cut avocados from turning brown and keep them fresh for several days, put it with a half an onion in an airtight container and refrigerate. The sulfur compound from the onion (the same chemical that makes you cry) seems to do the trick, without having its overpowering flavor leach into the avocado.1
Choose bright yellow lemons that are smooth and heavy for their size. Veer away from lemons with streaks of green on the skin (which usually indicate higher acidity) or have rough, thick skin (which is a sure sign that they don’t have much juice in them).
Tip: rolling your lemons on the countertop for a few times before squeezing will help them produce more juice.
Meanwhile, spices like cayenne pepper and ground cumin should be stored in an airtight container or inside the freezer. Remember that a little goes a long way, so use these spices sparingly.

Why Are Cumin Spiced Lettuce Rolls Good for You?

Lettuce makes an ideal weight loss food because aside from being low in calories, it also contains fiber and cellulose that can make you feel full and improve your digestion. Apart from that, lettuce also provides:2
  • Vitamin C and beta-carotene, which  work together to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and the buildup of plaque in the heart
  • Lactucarium, the white fluid you see when you break or tear lettuce leaves, has relaxing and sleep-inducing properties similar to opium, minus the side effects
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
Cumin’s impressive repertoire of vitamins and minerals enables it to deliver healing benefits, such as:3
  • Increasing cognitive performance
  • Improving digestion
  • Preventing diabetes
  • Dispelling phlegm and mucous
  • Fighting viral infections
  • Relieving anxiety and depression
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Preventing premature aging
Cayenne pepper and other members of the chili pepper family naturally have capsaicin, a chemical component known to have an extensive array of therapeutic properties. Basically, the hotter the chili, the more capsaicin it’ll have. Some of the benefits of cayenne pepper include:4
  • Relieving arthritic and rheumatic pain and inflammation
  • Reducing cardiovascular disease risk
  • Treating cold, cough, and congestion
  • Preventing blood clotting in arteries
  • Helping burn off calories
Avocados, which are one of the healthiest foods on the planet, provide close to 20 essential health-boosting nutrients, including potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and folic acid.
Sprouts, on the other hand, have higher vitamin content in the most absorbable form compared to their more mature versions. Alfalfa in particular contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, and K.

Massive Scam Threatens Your Health — by Placing Toxic Chemicals on Land, Polluting Industries Are Allowed to Bypass Clean Air and Water Regulations

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Brain Activity Is as Unique – and Identifying – as a Fingerprint

Each of us is unique, with our own strengths, weaknesses and idiosyncrasies. While this is a truism everyone grasps intuitively, it’s been difficult to determine if and how this individuality is reflected in brain activity.
To investigate, my colleagues and I looked at brain images from volunteers scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. This technique measures neural activity via blood flow in the brain while people are awake and mentally active. We calculated a “functional connectivity profile” for each person based on their individual patterns of synchronized activity between different parts of the brain.
In fact, it turns out that the ebb and flow of brain activity is like a fingerprint: each person has their own signature pattern, according to our study just published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. Using only their connectivity profiles, we could identify individuals from a group. Based purely on these profiles, we could also predict how people would perform on one type of intelligence test.

Continue reading:

Monday, October 19, 2015

Asian Chicken and Chilies Soup Recipe

If you’re getting tired of the usual chicken soup recipe, here’s an exciting way to zest up your meal: give it an oriental twist by adding Asian spices. The intense flavor of the chilies used in this simple but hearty dish can surely invigorate your mind, body, and soul, making it the perfect meal for chilly evenings. Try my Asian Chicken and Chilies Soup recipe:
  • 6 cups chicken broth (or homemade broth)
  • 2 red bell peppers, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons tamari soy sauce
  • 1 to 3 teaspoons Asian hot chili sauce (or you can use a couple of fresh chilies)
  • 3 cups poached chicken breast, thighs, or legs, diced
  • 1 bunch watercress, large stems trimmed, or spinach
  • 2 scallions, thinly sliced
  1. In a three-quart saucepan, bring broth, bell peppers, tamari, and chili sauce or chilies to a simmer; cook until bell peppers are crisp-tender, about six minutes.
  2. Add chicken and watercress (or spinach); cook for one minute. Ladle into bowls, and top with scallions.
This recipe makes four servings.
(From Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type)

Asian Chicken and Chilies Soup Cooking Tips

Most chicken sold in conventional supermarkets come from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) that not only raise animals inhumanely – crowding them in filthy and tight spaces and feeding them an unnatural diet of genetically engineered (GE) corn and soybeans – but also put you at risk of numerous disease like salmonella and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.   
To ensure that you’re getting truly high-quality chicken (and eggs), look for a local farmer that allows his hens to forage outdoors. If you live in an urban community, you can visit your local farmer’s markets, which is the quickest route to finding high-quality, free-range chicken.
Remember that safe handling is very crucial for raw chicken. Washing your chicken may actually cause campylobacter bacteria (mostly found in conventional CAFO chickens) to spread, which increases your risk of food poisoning. I also advise using separate cutting boards for meat and vegetables.
While you can easily buy ready-to-use chicken stock at supermarkets, I recommend making your own broth at home. Simply put the entire raw chicken in the pot, add water to cover the bird, bring to a boil, then cover and lower heat to simmer. After two hours, remove from pot and separate the meat from bones. Place the bones back the water, let simmer on very low heat for an additional 8 to 10 hours. Here’s a simple recipe for homemade broth you can try.    
When buying watercress, look for those that have crisp, dark green leaves that show no signs of wilting or yellowing. Wash, shake dry, and then trim off the tough roots. It’s best to store watercress in a perforated bag in the refrigerator, as it is highly perishable and is best consumed within a couple of days.1  
Aside from its versatility and mild peppery flavor, watercress can offer you a wide array of nutrients that can benefit your health. Modern science found that there are over 15 essential vitamins and minerals in watercress, including phytonutrients like isothiocyanates, antioxidants, vitamin A, K, and C, manganese, and calcium. Flavonoids like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are also abundant in watercress.
Red bell peppers add a light sweetness to your chicken soup, so make sure to choose those that are firm, deeply colored, and glossy.2 However, since bell peppers are included in the “Dirty Dozen” list of the EWG’s 2015 Guide to Pesticide in Produce,3 make sure you only buy organic ones from a trustworthy source.
Bell peppers provide you with vitamin C and K, as well as thiamin, niacin, folate, magnesium, and copper. The three different varieties – green, yellow, and red – actually have their own unique nutrients, although they all have good amounts of ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, and free radical scavenging activity. Red peppers, however, are found to have most ascorbic acid and a higher level of free radical scavenging activity than the other varieties.

Why Is Asian Chicken and Chilies Soup Good for You?

Chicken soup offers potential benefits for your health as it helps your body ward off infection and alleviate inflammation. Meanwhile, the steam helps ease your congestion. A study even found that chicken soup can help stop the migration of the cells, which may prevent cold symptoms from developing. This is all thanks to the wonderful ingredients used in this flavorful yet soothing dish.
Chicken is loved by many because of its versatility, but aside from that, it’s also one of the most healthful meats you can add to your diet. It’s a great source of protein, selenium, choline, phosphorus, and all B vitamins. According to the George Mateljan Foundation:
“It is a food that actually provides broad nutrient support… Included… are plentiful amounts of sulfur-containing amino acids like cysteine and methionine, as well as branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) that are important for support of cardiac and skeletal muscle.
Cysteine, a natural amino acid, can actually thin the mucus in your lungs, so that you can expel it more easily.
Bone Broth
Due to the wide variety of nutrients it provides, such as magnesium, calcium, glucosamine, chondroitin, and arginine, I consider bone broth one of the most healing foods that should be in every person’s nutritional plan. In fact, like fermented foods, it used to be a dietary staple – sadly, many people are now opting for processed foods instead of these dietary treasures, leading them onto the path to poor health.
I recommend you to make good old-fashioned bone broth a mainstay in your diet. Not only is it a cost-effective food with a wide array of uses (you can even simply sip it on its own!), but it also offers a wide range of benefits, such as:
  • Helps heal and seal your gut, and promotes healthy digestion: Bone broth contains a gelatin known as a hydrophilic colloid. It attracts and holds liquids like digestive juices, thereby ensuring proper digestion.
  • Protects against inflammation: It has amino acids like glycine, proline, and arginine that have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Inhibits infection caused by colds and flu viruses.   
  • Alleviates painful and inflamed joints: The boiled down cartilage produces glucosamine, chondroitin sulphates, and other beneficial compounds for joint health.
  • Promotes strong, healthy bones due to its high calcium and magnesium content, as well as other nutrients that help in bone formation.
  • Promotes healthy hair and nail growth.
Sources and References

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How To Stop Poisoning The Neighborhood Children On Halloween.

This time of year, I can’t help but feel saddened when I see the Halloween candy aisles at conventional grocery stores. Gigantic bags of Kit Kats, Butterfingers, Laffy Taffy, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Sweet Tarts, and Dum Dum Pops line the shelves. Year after year, it’s the same traditional products – the same ones that made me so sick as a child – along with new chemical candy creations that are getting bolder trying to top the competition with even more artificial colors and additives… bright orange Kit Kats and Green Apple Caramel Filled Twizzlers anyone? Is this the best we can do?
Although Halloween isn’t a healthy holiday by any means, there’s no reason to throw all caution to the wind and litter the neighborhood with these toxic “treats” once a year. Over 90% of Americans are concerned about GMOs in their food – and a growing number of us read ingredient lists and are steering clear of artificial food additives – yet there seems to be a disconnect when it comes to holidays like Halloween and what people are willing to put into their cart.
If you normally avoid GMOs, artificial colors, flavors, and controversial preservatives, now’s the time to stop buying conventional Halloween candy and seek out better alternatives.

If you wouldn’t feed these ingredients to your own children (or yourself), why would you hand them out on Halloween?

Most Halloween candy does not have the ingredients listed on the package because it comes in smaller sized versions sold in multipacks, so here’s a reminder of what is lurking in most conventional candy:
Artificial FlavorsMade from cheap toxic chemicals derived from petroleum along with solvents, emulsifiers, flavor modifiers, preservatives that aren’t labeled, so you don’t know what you’re really ingesting.
Artificial ColorsAlso derived from petroleum, these dyes are linked to hyperactivity in children and some cancers.
Caramel Color The most common form is made from ammonia and contains the chemical 4-MEI which is classified as a possible carcinogen. Why add this to chocolate and caramel that is supposed to be naturally brown anyway?
VanillinThis artificial vanilla flavor is made from wood or petrochemicals.
Partially Hydrogenated OilsThe main source of trans fat in our food that contributes to heart disease. It’s so harmful to our health that even the FDA has stepped in and is requiring companies to remove this ingredient within 3 years – but until then you can still find it in Halloween candy!
Growth Hormones – Unless it’s certified organic, much of the dairy in chocolate comes from conventionally raised cows raised with synthetic hormones that are banned in other countries and linked to an increased risk of cancer in humans.
PGPR (polyglycerol polyricinoleate) –  A cheap emulsifier used to replace more expensive cocoa butter
TBHQ (tertiary butylhydroquinone) The preservative TBHQ derived from petroleum that’s linked to asthma, allergies, and dermatitis.
DATEM (diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides)A dough conditioner usually derived GMOs that can be a hidden form of harmful trans fat.
BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)A preservative banned and heavily restricted in other countries because it is linked to cancer.

Fun-Size GMOs? Halloween candy is a minefield of genetically modified ingredients sprayed with Roundup.

Unless a candy is organic or Non-GMO Project verified, it’s probably made with genetically modified (GMO) ingredients. The sugar in most processed food comes from GMO sugar beets, and if it doesn’t specifically list “Cane Sugar” it’s generally GMO. This “Roundup-Ready” sugar is sprayed with Roundup – a herbicide linked to cancer and several other diseases – good reasons to avoid it at all costs.
Although Hershey’s is the first mainstream candy brand to announce that they’re removing GMOs from some of their chocolate, they are not removing GMOs from all of their Halloween candy varieties and this change isn’t slated to happen until the end of 2015. So, the vast majority of non-organic Halloween candy contains GMO sugar, and may also contain other common GMO ingredients like soy lecithin, corn syrup, dextrose and soybean oil. 

Just as important as the “scary” ingredients and despicable practices used to produce Halloween candy, food allergies are skyrocketing putting many children at risk.

It’s a pretty grim picture when you realize that 1 out of 13 children now have food allergies in this country – and these are serious allergies to boot. There’s a lot of common allergens in popular Halloween candy – peanuts, milk, egg, soy, wheat – so it’s a great idea to stock up on non-food Halloween treats for children with allergies. You can paint a pumpkin teal and place it on your porch to let Trick-Or-Treaters know that you’re handing out non-food items (keep them in a separate bowl from any candy if you have both).

It’s time for us to rethink how we do Halloween and stop buying these “treats” that aren’t doing anyone any favors!

There’s a way to celebrate Halloween and still have a fun time without GMOs and controversial food additives. While these alternatives below aren’t all perfect and not something I recommend eating on a regular basis (it’s candy!)… these options are way, way better than conventional Halloween treats, and you can find them at many natural foods grocery stores or online here:

Friday, October 16, 2015

DARPA rumored to be genetically modifying humans to create zombie super soldiers

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known by the acronym DARPA, is the Pentagon's super-secret entity responsible for developing all kinds of advanced weapons and other systems, including your ability to read this story. Now they are helping the Pentagon make a better soldier.

Business Finance News reports that DARPA has begun a heavily funded project to "enhance human ability in war zones, by altering the genetic code (recipe) of their soldiers." The aim is to achieve battlefield supremacy by making soldiers who lack empathy and are smarter, more focused, and much stronger than enemy counterparts.

The research is taking place under a relatively new scientific field called genetic engineering, wherein scientists conduct research and experiment with the "cookbook" of a person's genetic make-up.

Business Finance News

All life forms have their own recipe, and just like food, there are a finite number of ingredients to choose from. Combination of different ingredients in different proportions makes different life forms. Genetic engineers are practically capable of making glow in the dark babies, by simply adding certain genetic codes of jellyfish into the human genetic code.

Zombie soldiers?

The research that has been conducted so far looks promising. It suggests that DARPA's so-called super soldiers could one day even grow new limbs they have lost in combat, which is something that has been tested already on mice.

As for the part of the brain that is responsible for empathy and mercy, scientists have found that it can be effectively shut off using gene therapy. This would essentially create a soldier who is oblivious to fear, fatigue and emotions.

However, what makes this even more disturbing, BFN noted, is the "Human Assisted Neutral Devices program" that focuses on brain control. The result could be a next-generation biological war "machine" controllable via a sophisticated "joystick."

A zombie soldier, if you will.

DARPA's efforts to create super soldiers dates back years. As reported by Wired magazine in December 2009 as the U.S. was sending a "surge" of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, researchers were working with pigs to find a way stop bleeding injuries by turning them into semi-undead.

"If it works out," Wired's Katie Drummond wrote, "we humans could be the next ones to be zombified."

DARPA awarded Texas A&M University's Institute for Preclinical Studies a $9.9 million contract to develop medical treatments that would extend a "golden period" when traumatically injured troops would have the best chance of surviving massive blood loss. Researchers were aware that the evacuation and treatment of such individuals in the thick of battle within the all-important one-hour window is often impossible.

Drummond reported that the institute's research was based on previous DARPA-funded projects, one of which theorized that humans might one day mimic the hibernation abilities of squirrels – who are able to survive unscathed for months on end through winter – by using a pancreatic enzyme that humans have in common.

GMO soldiers

In August 2012, the UK's Daily Mail reported that DARPA research was focusing on "GMO" troops – making them run as fast as Olympic champions and able to regenerate lost limbs.

The paper further reported:

According to the U.S. Army's plans for the future, their soldiers will be able to carry huge weights, live off their fat stores for extended periods and even regrow limbs blown apart by bombs.

The plans were revealed by novelist Simon Conway, who was granted behind-the-scenes access to the Pentagon's high-tech Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

DARPA has long experimented with exoskeletons, which are machines that assist normal soldiers in ways that permit them to lift weights far in excess what a normal human being can lift and run at far greater speeds.

The agency's most controversial research has been in the area of genetically modifying a human to perform tasks and function in ways that are currently not feasible, the Daily Mail noted.

In particular, modifications would include developing soldiers who could go for as many as 40 hours without sleep, carry heavy loads, go days without eating and communicate telepathically.

Sources include:

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

NASA ends 30+ yr. cover-up and finally admits water flows on Mars

After years of covering up the truth about flowing water on Mars, NASA has finally come clean and admitted what we've been telling you for years here on Natural News: Water flows on Mars.

I've covered this many times in radio interviews, articles and discussions about life in the cosmos, yet NASA has deliberately covered up proof of water on Mars and life on Mars for political reasons. See Natural News articles about water on Mars here, here and here, where I wrote, "There's also liquid water on Mars -- another fact that NASA has gone to great lengths to cover up."

Today, NASA ended its cover-up of the water on Mars, admitting in a breaking announcement that "liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars."

Gee, really? We already knew that.

Here's one of the images released by NASA:

When will NASA end the anti-science blockade of knowledge and admit there's life on Mars?

We also know that NASA's Viking lander discovered microbial life on Mars in 1976, but NASA still denies its own scientific evidence on that front. (There was a massive scramble at NASA in the 1970s to reverse the findings and declare the instrument to be incorrect by any means necessary.)

Now, NASA seems to be hinting in the direction of one day admitting there's life on the red planet. From the NASA announcement today:

“It took multiple spacecraft over several years to solve this mystery, and now we know there is liquid water on the surface of this cold, desert planet,” said Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. “It seems that the more we study Mars, the more we learn how life could be supported and where there are resources to support life in the future.”

NASA isn't interested in scientific TRUTH... it's playing out a political agenda

Now that NASA has "officially" ended the cover-up about water on Mars, don't look for any mass apologies being offered to all of us who have been reporting the truth about water for years.

Yesterday, all of us who openly talked about water flowing on Mars were considered "kooks." Now we're suddenly aligned with official NASA science. What changed in the last 24 hours? Only NASA's willingness to voluntarily end its own anti-science cover-up of undeniable evidence that's been available for years.

NASA, you see, is more of a political group than a science group. That's why NASA continues to go to great lengths to cover up proof of microbial life on Mars (not to mention possible artifacts from ancient aliens who previously visited the red planet).

And if NASA has been covering up the obvious evidence of flowing water for the last few decades, we all have to ask the obvious question: What else is NASA covering up?

I'll tell you what: There is life on Mars right now. Living, breathing, replicating and evolving. Mars is alive with "extremophile" microbes that live in the soil and the water flows. In fact, life is abundant across our cosmos, which means we are not alone.

If there's water flowing on Mars right now, then it's almost impossible to argue there isn't also life on Mars. And if there's life on Mars, then life is almost certainly common across the cosmos, living on every planet with hospitable conditions of warmth and atmosphere.

NASA, you owe Gilbert Levin a huge apology. It's time to end the cover-up and publicly admit there is LIFE ON MARS right now.

Sources for this article include:

Monday, September 21, 2015

Muslim boy's 'cool clock' is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case. Not a genius, just another run of the mill dummy.
In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.
Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims. President Obama even reacted to the story on Twitter.
“Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great,” tweeted Obama.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

China's covert war with America heats up: warships near Alaska, another industrial explosion, and China unveils Mach 10 cruise missile

Two weeks ago, I ran an exclusive Natural News story announcing that a covert war between China and the USA had begun. The war started as a currency and debt war, then escalated into the catastrophic Tianjin explosion carried out by the U.S. Pentagon in a "kinetic retaliation" strategy, according to sources.

It wasn't long after the Tianjin explosion that a second explosion rocked the Chinese province of Shandong, sending "coincidence theorists" into a hissy fit because suddenly a pattern of explosions was emerging that could not simply be explained away as sheer chance.

Just a few days later, a massive explosion took out a U.S. military munitions depot in Japan, and evidence clearly pointed to it being sabotage (the Chinese government hates the Japanese, and it's now the 70th anniversary of Japan's heinous war crimes committed against the Chinese people).

Now, as reported by The Daily Sheeple, a THIRD massive explosion has ripped through China's industrial infrastructure... this time also taking place in the Shandong province.

When I first saw this news, I thought someone was confusing the facts about the Shandong province, mistakenly thinking there were two explosions taking place there. But it turns out there were really two explosions in Shandong alone (plus the one in Tianjin), according to the Mirror (UK) which reports: "Today's explosion is also the SECOND blast to occur in Shandong, after a previous one injured eight people just over a week ago."

(Keep in mind that China is desperately censoring all the news on these explosions, and the Chinese government is also heavily pressuring other nations to downplay or censor these explosions as well. There is a global effort to suppress this news, and China has even arrested over 15,000 bloggers and journalists for so-called "internet crimes" which include reporting on true events the government doesn't want talked about.)

For full details on this latest explosion, you'll have to read little-known Chinese language websites such as this page from which explains this latest explosion in great detail and even carries some new video not found elsewhere.

Here's video from the first Tianjin explosion. It will make your head spin. (WARNING: LOTS OF PROFANITY IN THE VIDEO for all the obvious reasons.) Notice carefully that it contains two explosions: the 3-ton TNT equivalent explosion you see at the beginning, followed by a massive 21-ton TNT equivalent explosion of the chemicals:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

CNN Journalist says ‘Governments Pay Us To Fake Stories’

Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist, said that CNN is routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report on certain events.

Furthermore, the Obama administration pay CNN for editorial control over some of their content.
Jews News reports:
CNN sent a four person team to Bahrain to cover the Arab Spring. Once there, the crew was the subject of extreme intimidation amongst other things, but they were able to record some fantastic footage.

Read more:

Monday, August 17, 2015

Crustless Mini Broccoli Quiche Recipe

Crustless Mini Broccoli Quiches

  • 6 eggs
  • ¾ cup milk, almond milk or half and half
  • 10 oz. fresh or frozen broccoli stems and florets, chopped small
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 tsp. salt and pepper to taste
Optional additions:
  • Pepperjack cheese
  • Red or green bell pepper, diced
  • Diced onions
  • 2 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1-2 tsp. dried dill weed
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Use butter to grease a 12-cup muffin pan.
  3. Cut the broccoli into very small florets. Steam just 2-3 minutes – they continue cooking in the oven.
  4. Mix the eggs and milk together in a bowl with a whisk. Add the cheese, season with salt and pepper, and blend.
  5. Spoon the mixture evenly into your muffin cups to just half full. Add a tablespoon of the broccoli to each, depending on the cup size. Sprinkle a bit more cheese on the top if desired.
  6. Bake for 22-25 minutes or until the edges start to brown.

Raw or Steamed, Broccoli Is Loaded with Nutrients

Raw broccoli is packed with amazing nutritive benefits. One medium-sized stalk (about 1½ cups) contains approximately 16 percent of the fiber and 9 percent of the protein needed for an entire day.
You also get a whopping 224 percent of the vitamin C you need, helping your body resist colds, flu, and other diseases. This vitamin also combats the effects of cell-damaging free radicals absorbed through the toxins we encounter, such as smog and pesticides. Relating to brain health, vitamin C is necessary for the production of serotonin, a hormone that is crucial in brain and nervous system function.
That same 1 ½-cup serving contains more than enough of the daily recommended value in vitamin K – 192 percent – which helps regulate your blood’s clotting ability, making sure it flows freely, but not too freely. No fewer than 12 proteins are needed for our blood viscosity to remain balanced, and vitamin K supplies four of them. The end result is heart protective, and may also help prevent coronary artery disease.
Other ingredients in broccoli that radically enhance its nutritional value include vitamins A, E and B6, riboflavin and folate, and the minerals potassium, manganese, and phosphorus. More broccoli advantages come in the form of thiamin, pantothenic acid, calcium and magnesium, as well as small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
That’s pretty powerful for a relatively small portion of food.