Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fluoridegate: Dental Group Document Surfaces, Describes Extensive Water Fluoridation Safety Research Needed

Kidney Patients, Diabetics and Seniors in Focus as Questions Swirl in Burgeoning Scandal
A Freedom of Information Act request has uncovered an explosive document from the American Dental Association (ADA) calling for research on the health effects of drinking fluoridated water.
The latest in a cascading series of adverse revelations about water fluoridation, the document appears at odds with years of public statements by dental groups assuring the public that fluoridation safety has been extensively researched.
The Campaign for Dental Health says on its website, “With over 3,000 studies or research papers published on the subject, few topics have been as thoroughly researched as water fluoridation.”
But newly obtained federal emails contain a statement from ADA calling for research on how fluoride ingestion and processing in the body is influenced by age, race, sex, nutritional status, medications, health conditions, and culture.
ADA also recommends research to determine how diabetics and kidney patients are affected by fluoridated water, and how age, sex, and race variables come into play.
Civil rights icon Andrew Young had spoken out against fluoridation in 2011, noting that “the story about fluorides keeps changing.”
The new documents show that Andrew Young’s and Dr. Gerald Durley’s statements opposing fluoridation generated a whirlwind of meetings and correspondence in dental and government circles.
A letter emerged in which ADA voiced concern that Young’s and Durley’s statements about fluoridation harm to minorities had “the potential to gain traction.”
Other nationally known figures subsequently waded in, such as environmental activist Erin Brockovich who called for Fluoridegate scandal investigations.
Best-selling author and nationally known physician Dr. Mark Hyman issued this statement: “I support federal investigative hearings looking into why our cities and towns are allowed to continue to add fluoride to public water sources and why the whole story about fluorides is only just now coming out.”
The ADA research recommendation document also recommends examination of total fluoride intake from all sources, and research on how dental fluorosis impacts minority populations.
Dental fluorosis is a disfigurement of teeth caused by excessive childhood exposure to fluorides.
The ADA’s recommendations were included in a July 21, 2011email from Nadine Gracia in the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Health.
“Why did ADA not publicly release its research recommendations? Why did promoters continue saying fluoridation had been extensively researched?” asks Daniel G. Stockin, a career public health professional known internationally for his work to end water fluoridation.
“Kidney patients, diabetics, seniors, and those with intersecting risks – such as seniors who are kidney patients or diabetics – are going to be outraged as the details of Fluoridegate emerge,” he says.
Reference Links / Sources:
Daniel G. Stockin, MPH
Ph: 706-502-4348 email:

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

All-natural home remedies for dissolving painful kidney stones

As many know, passing kidney stones can be an extremely painful process. One of the most common urinary disorders diagnosed in the United States, kidney stones are formed when excess mineral deposits (usually calcium) clump together inside the kidney to form small pebble-like debris.

That debris then travels from the kidney into the ureters, the tubes that carry waste from your kidney to your bladder, and then out of your body through urination.

While it can take months, even years, for symptoms associated with kidney stones to surface, that doesn't mean they'll be any less painful when they do. Common symptoms associated with passing kidney stones range from mild swelling and tenderness to excruciating pain and urine back-up.

Although the only way to get rid of kidney stones is to pass them, there are numerous natural therapies that can alleviate the pain experienced during the dreadfully long process.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has proven to be a highly effective home remedy for a myriad of ailments, and kidney stones are no exception. Apple cider vinegar's high acidity helps break apart existing kidney stones into smaller pieces that will be less painful to pass. Additionally, the citric acid in apple cider vinegar helps prevent the formation of further kidney stones by alkalizing the stone's effect on blood and urine, and by promoting the production of hydrochloric acid.

To treat kidney stones, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with four ounces of water, adding a touch of honey or other natural sweetener, and drink the mixture three times a day. Repeat daily until the stone has passed.

2. Kidney Stone Melting Syrup

If apple cider vinegar isn't your cup of tea, Healthy Food Star concocted a super tasty, extra potent "stone-melting syrup" to help those suffering from kidney stones. The recipe combines a myriad of natural supplements used to treat kidney stones, including olive oil, lemon, organic honey, parsley root, and maple syrup.

The extreme acidity of lemons helps dissolve kidney stones into smaller clumps, alleviating immediate pain, and making the eventual exiting process significantly less painful. Additionally, the parsley root acts as a natural diuretic to help facilitate the urination process, and speed up the stone's travel time from the bladder out of the body. Lastly, the honey (aside from providing sweetness) acts as a natural antimicrobial agent, inhibiting the growth of further microorganisms.

To make the syrup, chop one whole lemon (with rind) into slices or chunks, and place them in a blender. Blend the lemon well, and then add one cup of olive oil, one cup of organic honey, one large bunched parsley root, and one cup of maple syrup. Blend the entire concoction until the lemon rinds are dissolved to your liking, and then pour the mixture into a glass jar, and refrigerate. Take one tablespoon of the mixture in the morning before eating, and repeat each day until the stone exits your body.

3. Chanca Piedra

An all-natural herbal remedy, Chanca Piedra is a widespread tropical plant used most popularly by tribal communities in the Amazon to treat kidney stones. A highly effective form of kidney stone treatment, the English translation of the Spanish named plant literally means "stone breaker." Praised by doctors and scientists worldwide, "[a]ll natural Chanca Piedra has been shown to scientifically crush the kidney stones to dissolve them and allow easy passing of remnant stone materials." The herbal remedy also builds defense systems within the body to reduce the likelihood of developing further kidney stones.

To treat a kidney stone, either mix pure Chanca Piedra concentrate with water, or take 400 mg of chanca piedra capsules two times a day until the stone has passed.


MENTALLY ILL AMERICA: The 10 delusional demands of political correctness you are required to accept, despite the contradictory evidence witnessed with your own eyes

Political correctness, at its core, is an insidious demand that you dismiss the evidence you witness with your own eyes, replacing it with delusional, false narratives that have been shoved into your head by the conforming, obedient masses.

Political correctness means that if you are looking at red barn and 100 of your peers ridicule you while saying it's a BLUE barn, you must nod your head in agreement and surrender, "Yes, it's blue." Even when it's actually red. Political correctness is, essentially, a war on logic and reason. 2+2=5, Winston!

Political correctness is rooted in the demented notion that social memes now overrule physical and biological reality, requiring you to reject things that are real and replace them with beliefs that are fabricated out of thin air for political purposes. That this process now dominates modern society is proof that our world is run by the mentally ill... and that hoards of mentally ill obedient sheeple are more than happy to go along with the shared delusions that stem from such mental illness.

Truthfully, we are all now living in a time of mass mental illness, where 99 out of 100 people believe insane, untrue and impossible things that have been demanded of them by the ruling political puppet masters. In this article, I outline just 10 of the most dangerous delusions we are all now demanded to follow.

If you believe any of these things, you are clinically insane and probably need to have your head examined.

The ten delusional demands of political correctness

Demand #1) It is demanded that you agree Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, even though Caitlyn (Bruce) was born a man, has the biology of a man and has the DNA of a man. The only way anyone can say Caitlyn Jenner is a woman is if they are pressured to abandon common sense and surrender to the mass delusions of a society gone mad. "Yes, that barn is BLUE, by golly!"

For the record, let me state this as clearly as possible: Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman. He's a dude pretending to be a woman. The fact that Bruce Jenner won a "Woman of the Year" award is the height of stupidity and mass insanity in a culture gone off the deep end. (What, they couldn't find an ACTUAL woman deserving of the award? Seriously? There are no women in America who are a better than Bruce Jenner impersonating a woman? Gimmie a break...)

Demand #2) It is demanded that you support the illusion that gun laws will halt criminals from using guns to commit violence. The entire delusion hinges on the obviously false idea that people who routinely break the law will somehow magically abide by the law when you want them to. The existence of "gun free zone" signs further demonstrates the delusional thinking of those who ridiculously convince themselves that laws somehow restrict the actions of people who do not follow the law. (Liberalism is the art of being able to hold two wholly contradictory ideas in your head at the same time and somehow believe them both to be true...)

Demand #3) It is demanded that you agree the economy is in fantastic shape and that unemployment is barely six percent, even though you and everyone you know has trouble finding a job or keeping a decent job these days. While your own standard of living keeps eroding year after year, you are told that "everything is awesome!" by a delusional regime of money masters who are systematically stealing your income and wealth by printing their own money by the trillions.

Part of the P.C. employment delusion also demands that you reject the obvious truth that Obamacare's employer mandates have caused a wave of job destruction across America as employers shed full-time employees to avoid the crushing costs of a mandatory "sick care" system that's broken and fraudulent (and therefore unaffordable). Flatly stated, to be 100% politically correct on the issues of money and finance, you must believe that money materializes out of a parallel dimension and that real wealth can be created from nothing. (This is a key economic principle of "progressive economics" which always leads to Venezuela-style economic collapse, FYI.)

Demand #4) It is demanded that you operate under the illusion that only "progressives" have compassion for women and children while, at the same time, supporting the partial birth abortion organ harvesting of living children at abortion centers across the country. This act of harvesting organs from babies, of course, requires killing the babies in the process. You are demanded to affirm that no such thing ever takes place and to believe that all babies are "dead" until the moment they are fully born at which point they are suddenly "alive." Such a belief defies biological reality, logic and reason, yet it is a key platform of progressivism and P.C. delusion.

Seriously: Progressives believe that when just the head portion of a baby emerges from the birth canal, that baby isn't yet "alive" and therefore the head can be "harvested" for "scientific research" without violating any ethics or morals whatsoever. It is notable that when ISIS terrorists cut off the heads of people, it's called "terror." When abortionists cut off the heads of living babies, it's called "scientific research." This practice is wholly supported, funded and even encouraged by progressives who somehow tell themselves that the murder of fully developed, living babies is a "women's health" right. Huh?

Demand #5) It is demanded that you affirm Black Lives Matter is a "peaceful" movement even though a huge number of its activists routinely engage in mass violence, hate-filled rhetoric targeting whites and police officers, large-scale societal disruptions and now even give rise to murder against innocent people (such as Dallas police officers). If the exact same actions were being carried out by a group of white people, that group would have been labeled a "terrorist organization" or "hate group" by the entire media long ago.

Ridiculously, when the group is centered around black people, however, acts of arson, violence and mayhem are down-translated into "civil rights" or even "First Amendment rights." Hmmm... doesn't anybody recognize the bigotry that's inherently rooted in a separatist "black" movement which espouses hate speech and violence against white people based solely on their skin color? BLM's entire platform fits the classic definition of racism and bigotry. They are the KKK of modern, racist America that targets and vilifies whites as a deliberate strategy to assert power. BLM is, by its very definition, inherently racist and bigoted, focusing on separating the races instead of bringing people together under the umbrella of multicultural unity. (Proof of this is the fact that anyone who dares say "ALL lives matter" is immediately branded a racist bigot. Huh?)

Right now a petition is circulating to name BLM as a terrorist organization. The petition states:

Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims”. This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS and other groups, as terrorist organizations. Black Lives Matter has earned this title due to its actions in Ferguson, Baltimore, and even at a Bernie Sanders rally, as well as all over the United States and Canada. It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare Black Lives Matter a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety.

Click here to sign the petition (which the White House will promptly ignore, of course, because Obama is the terrorist sympathizer-in-chief.

Demand #6) It is demanded that you agree police are never justified in shooting any black person at all, even if that black person was in the act of committing a violent crime or waving guns at police. Any time a police officer wins a fight with a black person, you must call it "police brutality." The only non-racist police officers are those who allow themselves to be shot by black criminals, thereby proving there were never racist in the first place.

It's kind of like the old witch hunt test, where you throw a suspected witch in the river and see if she floats. Since everybody believed that only witches could float, if the person floated, you burn them to death as a witch. If they sink to their death, then that proves they were innocent. Today, the war on police is nothing more than a racist witch hunt translated into the mentally ill language of "social justice."

The politically incorrect truth that needs to be stated is that black people are arrested more often by cops for the simple reason that black people are committing more violent crimes, explain black police officers in their own words. Check out the Facebook post of African-American police officer Jay Stalien:

Black Lives do not matter to most black people. Only the lives that make the national news matter to them. Only the lives that are taken at the hands of cops or white people, matter. The other thousands of lives lost, the other black souls that I along with every cop, have seen taken at the hands of other blacks, do not matter. Their deaths are unnoticed, accepted as the “norm”, and swept underneath the rug by the very people who claim and post “black lives matter”.

Complaint: Police always targeting us, they always messing with the black man.

Fact: A city where the majority of citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed, and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the same trend for Asians if you go to China, for Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico, for whites if you go to Russia, and the list goes on. It’s called Demographics.

Demand #7) It is demanded that you embrace all illegal immigration as "compassionate" while strongly opposing national border security. You must welcome all illegals and grant them legal immunity in your sanctuary cities, even as illegals commit mass murder, rapes, robberies and lootings. You must dismiss the truth that illegal, uninsured drivers cause hundreds of accidents every single day across California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, injuring honest citizens and destroying their vehicles in the process.

Demand #8) It is demanded that you reject all voter I.D. laws as "racist" on the absurd basis that making sure people can only vote once in each election is somehow inherently bigoted or unfair -- even when it is technically a bedrock of democracy. While nearly every other country in the world requires voter identification at voting centers, you must agree with the P.C. puppet masters that such fundamental rules for democratic fairness are somehow "rooted in racism" and bigotry. (Let's face it: Preventing voter I.D. laws is actually all about making sure as many illegal aliens can vote as possible...)

Demand #9) It is demanded that you disregard the fact that Islamic terrorists who carry out mass murder on U.S. soil deliberately praise Allah (while the White House tries to censor the 911 phone calls to make sure you never hear those words). You must consider such acts to be "domestic terrorism," not acts of terror inspired by a radicalized religion that preaches hatred for gays and women.

Somehow, to fit into the P.C. culture in America today, you have to simultaneously worship gay people as well as the Islamic terrorists who murder gay people. How does that compute, exactly?

Demand #10) It is demanded that you believe all of society's problems would be solved if only government were bigger and individual liberties were replaced with government mandates. The P.C. nanny state requires you to believe, for example, that parents should not have any real parental rights. All children are owned by the State, we're told, and the State may decide to compel those children to be injected with mercury (flu shots) or killed with chemotherapy (cancer treatments) against the parents' will.

If you listen to the P.C. progressives, all their "solutions" sooner or later rest on their belief that people have too much freedom in America, and that taking away those freedoms is the best way to make society better. Right now, government is about one-third of the U.S. economy. This is apparently too small for the P.C. progressives who ultimately want 100% of the economy to be run by a centralized, incompetent, corrupt government. (The name for that, by the way, is Communism.) Free markets are based. Individual liberty is bad. Self-defense is bad. And of supreme importance is the idea that anyone who opposes totalitarian control by the government is obviously an anti-government whacko who needs to be silenced or marginalized.

Only government creates jobs, we're told. Only government generates wealth. Only government can uplift the lives of the very people that now suffer under horrifically bad government policies. "You didn't build that!" quips Obama, reminding us all that political correctness is deeply rooted in mass mental illness because none of these beliefs have a shred of truth to them. (Government cannot create actual wealth; it can only confiscate it, redistribute it or destroy it. Usually it excels at all three...)

Solutions for living as a rational person in a mentally ill society

If you're a rational, thinking person, then you already know you're living in a society largely populated by mentally ill people who believe one or more of the popular delusions described here. So what's the solution to all this?

Believe your own experience and refuse to give in to the delusional memes of the P.C. zombies. Remind yourself to stay rooted in reality. Do not be swayed against your own direct experience by the wishy washy narratives of the mentally ill. Spend more time in nature, where truth is evident with every foot step. The more contact you have with nature, the saner you will stay even as the world goes totally insane all around you.

In essence, all of us must now practice mental self-defense. We must defend our own minds from the twisted distortions, influence and psychological pollution of the P.C. zombies. This requires real dedication to clear thinking and the turning off of all mainstream media sources (which specialize in persuasively presenting false narratives as facts).

The more you read independent media, in other words, the saner you become as you cast off the false narratives and delusional lies of the P.C. culture. Rejecting political correctness is, in fact, an important first step in the art of mental self-defense. You must also reject the peer pressure from your lunatic friends and family members who often believe all ten of these P.C. falsehoods. Don't try arguing with them, however: They're probably too far gone to save with reason. It's best to move on and make new friends who are already awakened and aware of what's really going on.

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

How the Ancient Maya civilization cultivated organic crops using herbal medicine to combat pests

With such widespread use of pesticides on crops throughout the world, and the insistence of Big Agri and some farmers that its products are necessary for successful crop cultivation, one might start to wonder exactly how people managed to grow enough food to survive before this relatively modern poison took root.

Some clues can be found in the agricultural methods used by the Mayan people. Ancient Mayans viewed corn as a gift from the gods, and great care was taken in its cultivation. As a result, corn has been considered one of the most successful and effective self-sustaining cultivation systems on the planet for thousands of years.

The knowledge gleaned from millennia of experience could be used to help with growing organic crops today. The Yucatan Times reports that one of the keys to their success is their extensive knowledge of "photoperiods," which are the times of day when the plants are exposed to sunlight.

By taking into account the solar and lunar seasons, as well as these photoperiods, better blossoming can be achieved, thereby spurring better yields of vegetables and fruits.

Natural pesticides taken from herbal medicine

Moreover, the Mayan culture boasts a very thorough knowledge of herbal medicine. This is something that is not only applied to natural healing, but also to pest and fungus control on crops.

For example, the neem tree (Azadirachta Indica) has a lot of applications. This fast-growing tree can reach as tall as 20 meters, and its leaves can treat a host of diseases. Cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes are just a few of the illnesses it can help with. It also boasts antibacterial qualities, which means it can help with skin issues and can even help rid the body of impurities.

Its uses in crop cultivation are every bit as impressive. In fact, it has proven to fight one of the most dangerous threats to the cultivation of produce: the white fly.

Up to 90 percent effective

Neem is remarkably powerful when it comes to controlling insects, with one of its components, azadirachitin, believed to be as much as 90 percent effective in pest control. This chemical can be found not only in the leaves of the tree, but also in its wood and seeds. It does not cause instant death like chemical pesticides. Instead, it repels insects and serves as an anti-feedant, essentially causing the insects to prefer starving to death over eating the plant that has been treated with neem. If they eat it anyway, the neem will have a contraceptive effect, thereby interrupting their life cycle by ensuring they do not lay eggs.

Plants that have been treated with neem are safe for beneficial insects like butterflies and bees, and insects must actually have fed on the plant tissues in order to be affected.

Another benefit of using neem is that it is biodegradable, which means it will break down quickly and easily. Unlike chemical pesticides, it does not harm birds, mammals or earthworms.

Neem's insecticide action can replace the use of pesticides and chemicals, ensuring that the produce is not contaminated. The Mayans combine this with their mastery of soil preparation and composting to yield impressive results.

Mayan researcher and culture expert Caamal Itza believes that this traditional knowledge should be disseminated and preserved in order to help promote food production methods that are kinder to the environment.

As the demand for organic produce continues to rise, now is an excellent time for some of these methods to garner a closer look. After all, why would anyone in their right mind want to buy produce that was doused in chemicals known to cause cancer, when they could choose options that were grown with natural pesticides?

Sources include:

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Monday, July 4, 2016

Woman cures cancer by drinking five pounds of raw carrot juice daily

A cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and the prospect of chemotherapy can be extremely off-putting to those who are concerned about its ravaging effects on the body and its questionable efficacy. Some people are taking their health into their own hands, and stories abound of people who have found success with natural treatments.

After undergoing surgery for colon cancer, Ann Cameron declined chemotherapy. When the cancer subsequently spread to her lungs, her doctor said her life expectancy was just two or three years, and once again recommended chemotherapy to help extend her life just a bit. A reluctant Cameron took it upon herself to research alternative treatments in the hopes of avoiding chemotherapy.

"I read everything I could find on the internet about alternatives to chemotherapy and radiation. I already had a list of twenty or so recommended substances that didn't work, that my husband had tried for six months before dying of lung cancer in 2005."

She discovered a story about Ralph Cole, who said that he killed some small cancer cells in his neck by drinking five pounds of juiced carrots every day. She was taken by his story, and felt she had nothing to lose. He wasn't selling anything and seemed sincere, so she decided to start drinking five pounds of carrot juice on November 17, 2012.

Just ten days later, she got the disheartening news that the tumors in her lung were growing rapidly. Nevertheless, she continued to decline chemotherapy and drank her carrot juice.

After another CT scan on January 7, she got the news that the cancer in her lungs had stopped growing. Other tumors in her body were shrinking, and she had fewer swollen lymph nodes. After just eight weeks of carrot juice, she appeared to be heading into remission. Interestingly eight weeks was also the amount of time it took Cole to get rid of his neck cancer.

Things continued to look up for her. Another CT scan at the end of March showed that her cancer had not grown, and that her tumors continued to shrink. By August, she was told her cancer was gone, and her lymph nodes had returned to normal.

Falcarinol in carrots has cancer treatment potential

The compound in carrots that is believed to be responsible for this effect is falcarinol, and there are calls for more research into its potential as a cancer treatment. Cameron said that her doctor told her she couldn't recommend anything besides chemotherapy due to a lack of research into alternative options.

She said: "My understanding is that M.D.'s must rigidly conform to recommending chemotherapy or radiation, and nothing else, lest they fly in the face of proven published research and cause a patient's injury or death with unorthodox advice–which could get them a big medical negligence law suit. So you can bring up carrots, or cabbage, or curcumin with your doctor, but even if they are interested, they are not free to recommend these substances to you."

While Cameron's experience is anecdotal, the many benefits of carrots are well-documented.

Carrots full of health benefits

Research from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for example, has shown that falcarinol from carrots can destroy pre-cancerous cells found in tumors. In the study, which was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, this phytonutrient was found to reduce the risk of cancer by one third, and the doctor who led the study, Dr. Kirsten Brandt, suggests that people eat at least one carrot each day along with other fruits and vegetables for maximum health.

Juicing carrots increases the assimilation of the cancer-fighting compound falcarinol. It is also believed to increase the availability of carotenoids, which provide anti-aging and heart health benefits, by as much as 600 percent. Of course, you'll want to use organic carrots or you could be introducing toxic substances into your body.

Thankfully, carrots are one superfood that is relatively easy to grow at home. Many people turn to home growing for healthier living so that they can rest assured that their produce was not treated with any pesticides. The Health Ranger's Mini-Farm Grow Box can help people grow their own organic food and save money over the long run, making it an integral part of leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Sources include: