Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cancer is cured safely, in spite of widespread suppression

(NaturalNews) Pioneering, dedicated researchers have discovered numerous holistic cancer treatments in this country beginning in 1840. These natural protocols save lives from "incurable" cancer.

Leading cancer experts and authors Dr. Samuel Epstein and Ralph Moss, author of the Cancer Industry, among others, have documented widespread efforts to thwart safe, cancer cures in the United States. (

The FDA will only approve pharmaceutical, synthetic drugs for cancer treatments. However, even Burzynski's attempts to patent and use lifesaving antineoplastons have met violent opposition. See award winning documentary: ( )

Sadly, most Americans continue using toxic and invasive radiation, chemotherapy and surgery to treat their cancers, with dubious results. A fortunate minority have discovered effective and safe "alternative cures".

Hoxsey therapy and Essiatic Tea use potent herbs to cure cancer

Native Indians used the herb blood root to cure cancer for centuries. In 1840 John Hoxsey discovered the Hoxsey therapy which contained blood root, along with other herbs with anticancer properties. This treatment was used to successfully treat advanced cancers at 17 Hoxsey Cancer Clinics from 1924 to 1960, before being forced to close and move to Tijuana, Mexico. In 1954, ten physicians evaluated hundreds of case studies and patients, concluding that Hoxsey therapy left patients free from cancer from 6-24 years and in excellent health.

Essiatic tea, comprised of 4 types of herbs, was successfully used by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse, Dr. Brusch and several practitioners in Canada and the U.S. to reverse thousands of cases of advanced cancers. This formula also originated from Native Americans. It was destroyed by the Canadian Ministry when Caisse died in 1978. Dr. Brusch, in the U.S., was able to create a new version of the remedy, known as Flor-Essence and marketed as a detoxifying tea.

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