Monday, December 29, 2014

The most censored health news stories of 2014

2014 was a year in which we watched the mainstream media devolve into a spot-on depiction of George Orwell's Ministry of Truth, engaging in White House-ordered news story blackouts, CDC-inspired anti-health propaganda that endangered the public and corporate-funded disinfo campaigns disguised as news.

But what were the biggest health-related censored news stories of the year? That's what this Natural News article is all about. Consider it a short list of things the establishment doesn't want you to remember actually happened.

Remember: The purpose of the mainstream media -- which is really the state-run, corporate-backed propaganda mouthpiece -- is not to keep you informed but rather to keep you in a state of obedient ignorance of what's really going on in the world around you. The censorship of important news stories is a key element in this scheme, and it is vigorously pursued to make sure the public doesn't find out about real-world events, discoveries or scandals the establishment is trying to bury.

Censored story #1) CDC whistleblower admits vaccines linked to autism

In August of 2014, a high-level CDC scientist named William Thompson went public with an admission that he and other scientists knowingly committed scientific fraud at the CDC. This was done, Thompson explained, to bury any public knowledge of the scientific evidence linking vaccines and autism.

In a public letter posted on the website of his legal counsel, Thompson wrote:

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected...

Along with this admission, Natural News also exclusively released two secret emails further implicating the CDC and its top scientists and executives. You can read those emails here.

Following this astonishing revelation -- clearly one of the biggest medical fraud stories of the decade -- the entire mainstream media blackballed the story and shamelessly decided to take part in a media-wide cover-up. To this day, there isn't a single mainstream media outlet that has reported the scientific fraud that was committed at the CDC and openly admitted to by the CDC's own scientist.

Interestingly, it wasn't long after this took place that the CDC got caught lying over and over again about Ebola transmission vectors. In the later months of 2014, the CDC's "authority" and reputation took a nose dive as the American public came to quickly realize the agency lied far more often than it told the truth (see below).

The CDC even memory-holed its own document which originally admitted Ebola can be spread through aerosolized particles. In response to this schizophrenic behavior of the CDC, we decided to have some fun with the concept here at Natural News and released a parody CDC guidance document that encouraged Americans to do things like spend extra time scrubbing their middle fingers. (See the parody document here - PDF.)

What we really learned about the mainstream media this year, however, is that all stories revealing scientific fraud at the CDC will be systematically suppressed.

The media, in other words, is a CDC protection racket.

Censored story #2) The ongoing Ebola outbreak in America

When the Ebola outbreak story first broke in the United States, the mainstream media was all over it. Stories ran 24/7, with regular updates on hospitals testing patients for possible Ebola infections and round-the-clock coverage of the Ebola outbreak in a Dallas hospital.

But in the run-up to the mid-term elections in which Democrats looked to get crushed, the White House put out an order to the national media: No more Ebola stories.

And just like that, coverage of Ebola dropped to absolute zero. Across the nation, the entire mainstream media censored nearly all stories about Ebola in the USA on orders from the federal government. Sure, they still reported on Ebola in Africa -- that seems really far away to the average brainwashed TV news viewer -- but no stories of Ebola in the United States were allowed. The cover-up was now under way, and it has continued to this day despite the fact that the CDC is still tracking 1,400 possible Ebola infections in the United States.

You won't read that story in the mainstream media, of course. You're not allowed to know this information. All you'll get in the mainstream media is laughably absurd statements from the Obama administration's most ridiculous talking heads such as "Ebola czar" Ron Klain who said yesterday that the CDC is "a national treasure."

You heard that right. Sort of like Mt. Rushmore or the Grand Tetons. The same CDC that conspires with drug companies to push toxic vaccines laced with mercury onto pregnant women is a "national treasure" according to the comical talking heads on the news. These are the same people who share million-dollar government paychecks with the likes of Obamacare architect and MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, the man who openly explained how the wildly unconstitutional law was constructed in a "tortured way" to exploit "the stupidity of the American voter."

Three things you need to realize about the obedient, contrived media

This orchestrated nationwide censorship demonstrated three very revealing things about the mainstream media:

#1) The media is wholly obedient to the dictates of the federal government. Whatever the White House orders the media to do, it will obediently and blindly follow.

#2) The media has utterly abandoned real journalism. When the national press is beholden to the government and unwilling to run stories of public interest that the White House doesn't want run, it is no longer a "free press" but a pathetic mouthpiece of the establishment.

#3) The purpose of the media is to shape the awareness of the public, not to inform the public. It essentially functions as a massive sleight-of-hand stage magician, encouraging you to look in one direction while not seeing the subterfuge taking place in the other direction. Once an Ebola vaccine becomes commercially viable, of course, you will see the national press running a full-on campaign of scary-sounding Ebola stories, with each one strongly urging everybody to get vaccinated.

All these reasons explain why so many people are turning off the mainstream media and tuning in to alternative media sources where the White House and the CDC can't control the content. If you want to know the truth about infectious disease, don't believe anything you see or read in the mainstream media. Nearly 100% of that information is CDC propaganda.

Censored story #3) Toxic heavy metals in organic rice protein

Early in 2014, I announced the launch of the Natural News Forensic Food Lab which features high-end ICP-MS analytical instrumentation that can detect heavy metals and minerals down to 1 part per billion.

With the help of chemists, I learned how to run this instrumentation and began running heavy metals analysis on foods, superfoods, nutritional supplements and more. In this process, I discovered alarming concentrations of lead and cadmium in the rice protein being imported from China and used across the natural products industry in the United States, sold as "raw, sprouted organic rice protein" superfood.

This was a huge story in the alternative media, and it caused an uproar in the industry where manufacturers quickly responded with efforts to source cleaner raw materials. I personally negotiated with North America's top organic protein manufacturers and reached an historic agreement to limit heavy metals concentrations in these products. (I'll be testing all the proteins again in early 2015 and reporting the results to see what improvements have been achieved).

This huge story -- with massive public health implications -- was ignored by virtually the entire mainstream media. The reason, I was later told, was because no media organization wanted to give Natural News any credibility as a "science" organization conducting scientific laboratory assessments of food... even though that's exactly what we were doing. If the same research had been done at a university, I was told, it would have made huge headlines and been widely reported.

Natural News, you see, is not allowed to be mentioned in any positive light in the mainstream media for the simple reason that we oppose mercury in vaccines, the psychiatric drugging of children, unlabeled GMO food, toxic fluoride in municipal water supplies, the spraying of toxic chemical pesticides on food, and so on. These positions are unacceptable to the corporate-controlled "puppet media" (i.e. mainstream media) whose stories are almost 100% driven by either corporate or government interests. Those interests, of course, are 100% aligned with the chemical poisoning of the population -- and it is precisely this chemical poisoning that dumbs people down to a low enough IQ where they can watch shows like CNN or MSNBC and actually believe they're watching news.

The one exception to all this is the Dr. Oz Show. Doctor Oz invited me on the show to reveal my laboratory findings to his global audience, and that became one of the most popular shows of 2014. Thanks to Dr. Oz, the secret was out about heavy metals in rice protein, herbs from China and even some cacao powders.

I find it interesting that Dr. Oz is now being viciously attacked and slandered by the pharma-controlled mainstream media. Apparently, the media is totally panicked that Dr. Oz has the courage to actually tell the truth.

In today's "scientific dictatorship" of genetically modified news, so to speak, no actual truth is allowed. The only "truth" that's allowed to be published by the establishment actually consists of outrageous quack science lies such as "mercury in vaccines is good for pregnant women" or "chemical pesticides are harmless to humans" or even "there is no link between vaccines and autism." (Even the CDC's own top scientists know there's a link.)

Censored story #4) Vaccines intentionally laced with sterilization chemicals for population control

Here's another story you didn't see in the mainstream media. A pro-vaccine group called the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association discovered that 2.3 million women in Kenya were injected with UNICEF / WHO vaccines laced with sterilization chemicals.

"We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen," Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. "They were all laced with HCG."

As I wrote on November 8, 2014:

HCG is a chemical developed by the World Health Organization for sterilization purposes. When injected into the body of a young woman, it causes a pregnancy to be destroyed by the body's own antibody response to the HCG, resulting in a spontaneous abortion. Its effectiveness lasts for years, causing abortions in women up to three years after the injections.

Dr. Ngare explained "...this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine."

There was absolutely no mention of this genocidal vaccine campaign by the mainstream media in the United States. The story was completely blacked out, just like a related story on another vaccine in Italy killing 13 people and being pulled by the government.

In fact, it is official policy across all mainstream media organizations to:

1) Censor all stories of vaccine injuries, deaths, contamination and sterilization schemes.

2) Mindlessly promote all vaccines as miracle medicines, with the complete absence of critical thinking or real investigative journalism.

The one notable exception to all this was an Associated Press investigation into the wildly unconstitutional vaccine injury court currently running in America, where parents of children who are directly damaged by vaccines must wait ten years or more to receive a financial payout. And as part of that payout, they must agree to never speak to the press about their child being damaged by vaccines.

The AP deserves real credit for having the courage to investigate this story. Apparently real journalism is still alive and well in some sectors of the AP and, at times, even Reuters. My sense is that there are journalists everywhere who are dying to engage in real journalism but are stifled by their corporate bosses. Anyone who attempts to print the truth about vaccine-damaged children is quickly threatened or fired from their jobs.

Five signs that a media organization has sold you out

So how can you tell whether a media organization can be trusted to tell you the truth about real-world events? Here are five red flags that indicate an organization has sold you out:

Sign #1) Blind obedience to the vaccine industry or biotech industry
If the news organization is constantly promoting pro-vaccine or pro-biotech stories while refusing to ask intelligent, skeptical questions about those subjects, they can't be trusted. You'll even find this to be true among some "alternative" publications that try to position themselves as alternative news but have actually been bought out by Bill & Melinda Gates money. Wikipedia also demonstrates blind obedience to the vaccine and biotech industries because it has largely been taken over by "biotech gangs" of sock puppet editors who pose as "volunteers" but are actually paid by corporations to spread disinformation.

Sign #2) Blind obedience to the White House / Obama worship
The blind worship of authority is another sign that something is terribly wrong with that news outlet. A real press would hammer the White House with tough questions, not kow-tow to a dictatorial tyrant that routinely violates the laws of the land.

Sign #3) Participates in organized censorship of important stories such as the CDC vaccine whistleblower
Every large news organization that refused to cover the CDC vaccine whistleblower story has already abandoned any shred of real journalism or ethical reporting. This was one of the biggest health stories of the decade with implications for tens of millions of people. A large nationwide dialog needs to take place over this issue right now, even as we are headed for a future where fifty percent of the children will become autistic by the year 2025 according to some estimates. Vaccines clearly play a role in this equation, so why is the mainstream media covering up a huge whistleblower admission from the CDC's own top-level scientist? Shameless.

Sign #4) Receives large advertising revenues from drug companies
Any news organization that's largely driven by ad revenues from drug companies has also abandoned all ethics. There is no legitimate justifiable reason for drug companies to advertise doctor-prescribed patented medicines directly to the public, and the practice is illegal almost everywhere else in the world. Media organizations that contribute to this practice in the United States are collaborating in a horrific mass over-medication epidemic that harms American children and senior citizens while bankrupting cities, businesses and private households due to skyrocketing health insurance costs (which are directly calculated from prescription drug prices and prescribing trends).

Even worse, the money influence of the mainstream media allows drug companies to dictate the content of their articles, which is exactly why the media is so gung-ho about promoting medications all the time.

Sign #5) Parrots the same canned news of every other mainstream news outlet
The biggest sign that a news organization shouldn't be trusted is the mindless parroting of the exact same news that every other mainstream organization is pushing. When you see the same contrived story published over and over again across a hundred or more mainstream newspapers, you know the story is being fed to them from an outside source. This "outside source" is usually the White House, the CDC, a corporate press release or some other piece of total propaganda that's crafted and distorted to look like news.

Very few media organizations conduct actual journalism anymore. Most so-called "stories" are just corporate press releases re-written without any fact-checking or due diligence whatsoever.

Where to get uncensored news: The rise of the Alternative Media

Just as the economic middle class is disappearing in the western world today, so is the "knowledge middle class." With each passing year, we're seeing an expanding divide between those who are totally ignorant of reality (people who watch cable news networks) and those who are well informed (people who read alternative news websites).

People who watch mainstream cable news broadcasts have become functionality retarded in their lack of practical knowledge about the way the world really works. They don't know, for example, that what you eat affects the health outcome you experience. They think flu shots really work. They think guns are so dangerous than they magically go off by merely being touched. These people believe chemotherapy helps them heal, vitamins are dangerous and that General Mills breakfast cereals are nutritious because they are fortified with small metal shavings known as "iron fortification."

It's important to understand the mindset of the mainstream media in feeding all this theater to the gullible public. Content censors and story fabricators who occupy the top positions in media are fully aware that they are running a theatrical production largely based on fiction, but they figure anyone stupid enough to believe what they're broadcasting is probably deserving of the lies they're being fed anyway. It's all a grand joke being played out on the public, and I've personally heard from more than one ex-journalist who told me things like, "Day after day we couldn't believe the public was still swallowing what we were broadcasting... so we just kept going."

People who read the alternative media websites, on the other hand, know that almost everything in media and government is a charade... a Hunger Games-like theater of the absurd, where everything is contrived, staged or manipulated to further the interests of either a powerful corporate sponsor or a power-hungry government that wants to dominate its people. The liberal media was all over this charade when Bush was in charge and contrived evidence was whipped up regarding "weapons of mass destruction," but as soon as their own guy (Obama) occupied the White House, they became rapid supporters of the very same class of absurd fictions such as "if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan" and "Obamacare will make health insurance affordable for everyone!"

Alternative news readers are the best-informed people

Alternative news fans, on the other hand, know things that clueless mainstream news consumers will never understand: Fluoride is a toxic waste pesticide chemical from China that's dumped into the U.S. water supply. The vaccine injury court is a sham that denies Americans their constitutional right to due process. The cancer industry doesn't want to cure cancer; it wants to profit from it. Fresh raw milk is good for you. Vaccines are laced with heavy metals, toxic chemicals and sometimes even hidden cancer viruses. The CDC works for the pharmaceutical industry and once approved a polio vaccine that may have caused up to 98 million Americans to be injected with cancer-causing viruses. The Federal Reserve is part of a private global banking cartel that profits from the systematic theft of purchasing power via relentless currency debasement. And a global debt collapse is coming because it is mathematically inevitable.

Those who are well informed by reading the alternative media usually have trouble being around mindless mainstream media consumers because it's difficult to have an intelligent conversation with them. Where to even begin? You can't tell them things like "America has conspired with Saudia Arabia to launch a petrodollar currency war against Russia" because people who watch mainstream news stations have no knowledge of currency wars, the petrodollar, the history of America's collaboration with the anti human rights Saudi kingdom, and so on.

Similarly, you can't delve in to the physics of why concrete-and-steel buildings don't just magically collapse pancake-style from a few office fires, because they've been trained to cognitively reject all laws of physics that conflict with the myths which have been drilled into their heads by the mindless media. Trying to explain reality to a mainstream media news consumer is a lot like trying to teach a pig to sing: you waste your time and annoy the pig.

No, the zombies who are hypnotized and indoctrinated by mainstream media have to escape their mental prisons on their own. It's a process that some can achieve and others can't, for whatever reason. But it's a process that can't be forced on anyone. If people want to eat their genetically modified junk food, get injected with mercury-laced flu shots and believe that Obama is a friend of the U.S. Constitution, then they have a long journey ahead of them if they want to learn anything at all about the way the world really works.

Where to get real alternative news

Here's a list of some of the best alternative news sources which also support liberty and real freedom for the republic. I obviously can't endorse every single article at every single website listed here, but overall these are sources that will give you the most accurate, reliable and lifesaving information on everything from the coming economic collapse to preventing disease and living off the grid:

Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
Paul Joseph Watson
Robert Scott Bell
Sayer Ji
Jefferey Jaxon
James Corbett
Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change:
Pete Santilli
Ben Shapiro

Sources for this story include:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Korean Kimchi Recipe

Kimchi is a famous fermented vegetable dish from Korea. Usually served as a side dish, there are more than 300 different varieties of kimchi, depending on the main vegetable ingredient used and the region or season in which they’re made.
Nowadays, you’ll see a lot of ready-to-eat kimchi brands in supermarkets, but no matter how convenient they seem to be, many of these products are often loaded with artificial flavorings, toxic fillers, and harmful additives, and have also gone through excessive processing that may have eliminated any living organism in them.
To make sure that you get the quality, the freshness, and all the health perks that you’re after, I encourage you to make your own kimchi at home using this recipe:
  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 tablespoons sea salt
  • 1 head cabbage, shredded
  • 1 cup daikon radish grated or 1 cup asparagus cut into one-inch pieces
  • 2 scallions, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, minced
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  1. In a large bowl, mix a brine of the water and salt. Mix well to thoroughly dissolve salt. Add the cabbage and daikon radish. Cover with a plate or other weight to keep the vegetables submerged. Soak for 12 hours.
  2. Drain the brine from the vegetables, reserving the brine. Taste the vegetables for saltiness. If they are too salty, you can rinse the vegetables. If they are not salty enough, sprinkle with a little more salt (one quarter teaspoon at a time).
  3. Combine the asparagus, green beans, scallions, garlic, ginger, and cayenne pepper. Add to the cabbage mixture.
  4. Put the whole mix into a jar or crock. Pour the soaking liquid over the vegetables, making sure that they are completely submerged in liquid.
  5. Tip: Don’t forget to squeeze your vegetables before putting them into the jar using your hands. "Bruising" the vegetables in this way allows the cell walls to break down and release their juices.
  6. Cover loosely with a clean cloth and set aside for three to seven days. The ideal room temperature to help with the fermentation is around 70°F. If it is colder, the fermentation takes longer.
  7. Check the kimchi daily. Make sure the vegetables stay covered in brine. After three to seven days, the kimchi will taste ripe. Once this happens, place in glass jar in the refrigerator. It will keep for months.
(From Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type)

Korean Kimchi Cooking Tips

  1. Use only fresh and organic vegetables from your local farmer. 
  2. Choose cabbages that are hard, heavy, and have densely packed leaves. The lighter, leafier varieties tend to turn into mush that doesn't ferment well.
  3. Peel your vegetables to avoid getting the bitter flavor from the skin.
  4. Feel free to season your ferment naturally according to your liking with bell pepper, organic Granny Smith apples, or a hot pepper like habanero (make sure you wear gloves!).
  5. Add sea vegetables or seaweed to increase the mineral, vitamin, and fiber content of your fermented vegetables.
  6. When adding aromatics, such as onion, garlic, and ginger, remember that fermenting increases the flavor multiple-fold, so a little goes a long way. Don't overdo it! A few medium-size cloves are enough to infuse a dozen jars or more with a mild garlic flavor.
  7. Use a starter culture dissolved in celery juice to speed up the fermentation process and to ensure that your ferment gets packed with essential probiotics.
  8. Make sure the veggies are completely covered with brine and that the brine is all the way to the top of the jar to eliminate trapped air.
  9. Put the lids on the jars loosely, as they will expand due to the gases produced in fermentation.
  10. Don’t eat out of the jar to prevent contaminating the entire batch with bacteria from your mouth. Always use a clean spoon to take out what you’re eating.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

RECIPE: Classic Real Ginger Cookies!

Food Babe's Classic Real Ginger Cookies!
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 12
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • ½ cup oat flour (alternative: quinoa flour or spelt flour)
  • 1 egg or 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds mixed with 3 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil (solid form)
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 and ½ tablespoons molasses
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla
  • ¾ teaspoon grated fresh ginger (or ½ teaspoon ground ginger)
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • ⅛ teaspoon sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  1. In a bowl, mix all of your ingredients together until combined.
  2. Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to allow the batter to harden.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  4. Place the cookies on a baking sheet using an small ice cream scooper and slightly press down to flatten each one out. Leave at least 2 inches of space between cookies.
  5. Bake for 8-12 minutes or until firm.
  6. Let cool completely and enjoy!
***Please use all organic ingredients if possible***

Hope you enjoy this recipe with family and friends! I would love to hear what they think.
Happy Holidays! Xo,

RECIPE: Gingerbread Cupcakes With Coconut Icing

Gingerbread Cupcakes With Coconut Icing
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 12-24
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup coconut sugar
  • ½ cup molasses
  • 1 egg (or flax egg (combine 1 tbsp ground flaxseed with 3 tbsp water))
  • 1 and ½ cup spelt flour (gluten free option: 1 cup almond flour + ½ cup coconut flour + 1 more egg)
  • ½ tablespoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ⅛ teaspoon ground cloves
  • ½ cup boiling water
  • ½ tablespoon baking soda
  1. Preheat oven to 350° and line muffin tins with baking cups
  2. In a bowl, combine coconut oil, coconut sugar, and molasses and egg and mix well
  3. In a medium bowl whisk flour, ginger, cinnamon, salt, and cloves. Whisk into molasses mixture until well combined
  4. Boil water and remove from heat. Add baking soda and whisk into batter.
  5. Fill baking cups ⅔ full and bake for 25 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean when inserted. (If making mini cupcakes - bake for only 12-14 mins)
  6. After cupcakes have cooled completely, top with coconut manna frosting
***Please use all organic ingredients if possible***
4.9 from 14 reviews
Coconut Manna Frosting
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 12
  1. Combine vanilla, maple syrup and coconut manna together and whisk well
  2. Use as frosting or topping on your favorite dessert
  3. Top with coconut flakes for a festive look if desired

Hope you enjoy these healthy holiday treats and share these cupcakes with your friends and family. Making your own desserts are far better than resorting to store-bought chemical filled fattening toxic crap.
Food Babe

RECIPE: Healthy Homemade Cinnabons

Homemade Real Food Cinnabons

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 8
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons almond flour
  • ¼ cup tapioca flour or (I used ground flax seed instead, because I didn't have any tapioca)
  • ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons arrowroot flour
  • 6 tablespoons coconut flour, plus 1 tablespoon for sprinkling
  • 1¼ teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon Celtic sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Spice Swirl
  • ½ cup coconut sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon Celtic sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • ½ cup coconut butter
  • 2 tablespoons raw honey (I used maple syrup)
  • ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F and adjust the rack to the middle position. Using a pastry brush, coat a 9-inch cake pan with 1 tablespoon of the melted butter.
  2. To make the spice swirl, combine the coconut sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Stir in the melted butter until the mixture is damp. Set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, tapioca flour, arrowroot flour, coconut flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and coconut sugar. In a measuring glass, whisk together the coconut milk, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons of the butter. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until a rough dough forms. Let the dough sit for 10 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle a bit of coconut flour onto a clean work surface. Place the dough on the surface and gently press it into a 12 x 9-inch rectangle. Using a pastry brush, brush the dough with 1 tablespoon of melted butter. Pour the spice swirl mixture over the dough and gently spread it in an even layer. Carefully roll the dough into a 12-inch log (I like to use a bench scaler to lift the dough from the surface). Cut the dough into 8 even pieces. Place the pieces swirl side up in the buttered cake pan and gently press to flatten them to about 1 inch thick. Brush the rolls with the remaining 2 tablespoons of melted butter.
  5. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until the rolls are golden brown.
  6. To make the icing, in a small saucepan over low heat, combine the coconut butter, honey, vanilla, and ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons water. Whisk until the icing is a warm, smooth glaze. Drizzle the icing over the rolls. Serve warm.
***Please use all organic ingredients if possible***
Dairy-Free Option: Use Nutiva palm shortening in place of butter.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Major US School Districts Announce Switch to Antibiotic-Free Chicken

How Artificial Sweeteners Confuse Your Body into Storing Fat and Inducing Diabetes

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Plantain, a common driveway weed, is one of nature's most powerful medicines

It's known to pop up as a persistent weed in gardens, on lawns and even in driveway cracks. But plantain is one of the most medicinally powerful "nuisance" plants that you probably aren't taking advantage of for your health, perhaps to your own detriment.

Those bushy green leaves and small, stalk-like buds bear unique nutritive potential that could help you overcome difficult menstrual cycles, clear up skin acne and even treat painful arthritis. For hundreds of years, plantain has been used as one of nature's most powerful medicines, and for very good reason.

Plantain works topically as a wound-healer

One of its uses is as an astringent for wounds and bug bites. Simply chewing plantain leaf or crushing and grinding it makes an effective poultice to draw out poisons from the skin and prevent infections and scarring.

"Because it draws toxins from the body with its astringent nature, plantain may be crushed (or chewed) and placed as a poultice directly over the site of bee stings, bug bites, acne, slivers, glass splinters, or rashes," explains Life Advancer.

Plantain aids in healthy digestion

If you suffer from constant digestive problems due to antibiotics, food allergies or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), plantain might be a simple cure. Many have reported that the leaves and seeds of the plant aid in reducing inflammation and help repair damage to the gut lining.

The seeds of plantain are also useful in maintaining a clean digestive tract, acting similarly to psyllium husk in absorbing toxins and creating firmer stools. When steeped, plantain leaves can be turned into an extract for use as a gut healer.

Plantain helps treat congestion, respiratory problems

Since it is rich in the mineral silica, plantain also makes an excellent expectorant. This means that it helps clear up congestion and mucus, effectively treating coughs, colds and various other respiratory ailments.

"Plantain acts as a gentle expectorant while soothing inflamed and sore membranes, making it ideal for coughs and mild bronchitis," wrote David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG, in his book Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine.

Plantain helps treat hemorrhoids

The same astringent properties that make plantain an effective wound-healer also make it an effective remedy for hemorrhoids. When processed and turned into a lotion or ointment, plantain can be applied to hemorrhoids to stop the flow of blood, which is also useful in the treatment of cystitis accompanied by bleeding.

"Plantain is one of Western herbalism's primary topical healing agents, used as a lotion, ointment, compress, or poultice for cuts and bruises," adds Hoffmann in his book. "It may be applied topically for hemorrhoids and skin ulcerations."

Plantain treats all blood diseases, and nearly all other diseases

Truth be told, there seems to be very few health conditions that plantain can't treat. According to The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, written by Dr. Finley Ellingwood, MD, in 1919, plantain is effective against virtually all blood diseases, many glandular diseases, mercury poisoning, diarrheal conditions, female disorders, and injuries, bites and rashes on the skin.

"Plantain is almost a panacea for the human body, treating everything from all menstrual difficulties, all digestive issues, to nearly all skin complaints, and even arthritis," adds Life Advancer about the amazing healing potential of plantain.

"Add to salads, chew to ease thirst, or enjoy in stir fries. This versatile wild vegetable will keep you in good health for years to come!"

To learn more, be sure to read Dr. Ellingworth's plantain entry as it was published in his 1919 book:


Air pollution makes Beijing nearly 'uninhabitable for human beings' according to study

After many days without rain in densely populated places like Los Angeles and New York City, it is sometimes possible to catch a small glimpse of what is an everyday reality for Beijing, China's 20-some million residents -- thick blankets of blackish smog that penetrate the air and fill the lungs of those who breathe it.

Beijing is one of the most air-polluted cities on the planet, so much so that researchers from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences declared it to be almost "uninhabitable for human beings" in a recent study. Buildings throughout the city are having to be outfitted with special air purifiers, and schoolchildren are being forced to play sports indoors, underneath special protective inflatable domes.

"It's a bit of a change having to go through an airlock on the way to class," stated Travis Washko, director of sports at the British School of Beijing, to The Guardian about some of the new ways the city's institutions are dealing with the problem. "But the kids love it, and parents can now rest assured their children are playing in a safe environment."

If it weren't for the dome, students would be forced outdoors into a thick layer of noxious pollution that almost never subsides. Air pollution has become so dense, in fact, that China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the average 18-year-old Beijing resident will spend about 40 percent of his remaining years in ill health.

Are the people of Beijing being deprived of vitamin D?

All across the city, buildings are being altered to keep people fully confined in hermetically sealed rooms and spaces, with no access to the polluted outside air. But in the process, Beijing residents are being deprived of direct exposure to natural sunlight, which is necessary for the production of vitamin D inside the body.

A study conducted earlier this year on pregnant women in Beijing found that all of them were deficient in vitamin D, the direct result of avoiding time outdoors. Some of the women reported taking vitamin D supplements to counteract the lack of sunlight exposure, but the average amounts they took weren't enough to bring them into the optimal range.

Beijing utilizing "chemtrails" to produce artificial rain in effort to cut pollution

Since government crackdowns on excessive factory pollution and moderate restrictions on fossil fuel production have done little to address the problem, some scientists and entrepreneurs have proposed more novel mitigatory solutions. One of these involves installing copper wires underground to magnetically attract air pollution, while a nearby city has suggested digging giant ditches in mountainsides to capture pockets of pollution.

Already in play are futuristic weather-modification techniques that China at large is already using to address drought conditions. Recognizing that precipitation tends to capture air pollution and clear it from the skies in a way similar to a vacuum cleaner, the Chinese government has implemented a network of "chemtrail" machinery, including 50 airplanes, that intentionally seed the skies with clouds in order to create fake rain.

"[B]ecause of chronic water shortages, China has invested heavily in artificial rain since the late 1950s," explains The Guardian. "The country now [boasts] a battery of 7,000 cloud-seeding artillery guns, the same number of launchers for chemical-bearing rockets, and more than 50 planes -- all manned by an army of 50,000 employees, ready to launch full-scale warfare on the weather."


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mrs. Fields Cookies Are Toxic

Holiday Gifts That I’m NEVER Buying (…again)

I’m embarrassed to say that several years ago I used to buy gift baskets from Mrs. Fields Cookies for some special occasions and as holiday gifts. My college girlfriends even would send me them during hard times like when I had a romantic breakup or before exams. As much as I love cookies, once I found out the truth I never spent another dime on their products. I got the complete list of ingredients in their holiday gift baskets and let me tell you, they are filled with ingredients that let’s just say, Santa would call really naughty!

Mrs. Fields Holiday Gift Baskets make the NAUGHTY LIST! 

  • Partially Hydrogenated Oils – Mrs. Fields uses margarine and partially hydrogenated oils as a substitute for real butter in their cookies. While their cookies contain some butter, partially hydrogenated oils take a front seat as one of their main ingredients. These oils are the primary source of artificial trans fat in our diet, which have been shown to increase “bad” cholesterol and decrease “good” cholesterol, leading to heart disease. As reported in Scientific American, “It took decades for scientists to realize how deadly trans fats could be, partly because the food industry and the cardiovascular prevention community dismissed concerns over adverse effects on health, but the evidence continued to mount”. Finally in 2013, the FDA tentatively determined that partially hydrogenated oils are no longer GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) due to these health concerns, so no one should be eating these oils – even during the holidays!
  • Mono & Diglycerides - This is another (somewhat sneaky) source of harmful trans fat.
  • Soybean Oil – This oil is heavily processed and almost always extracted with the neurotoxin hexane, a cheap byproduct from gasoline production. It’s also high in omega-6 fatty acids (which the American diet is too full of) increasing the risk of inflammation, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) – Your body doesn’t process HFCS the same as regular sugar (sucrose), and excessive high fructose corn syrup consumption has been shown to increase the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Enriched Bleached Flour – This is the worst type of flour because it’s been stripped of fiber and nutrients, and comes from a heavily hybridized wheat crop, which may have been pre-harvested with Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide.
  • Parabens – Mrs. Fields cut-out frosted holiday cookies include methylparaben and propylparaben as ingredients. You may have heard about these ingredients in cosmetics, shampoo and lotions, but not realize they are in food too. Parabens have been found to be endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are linked to breast cancer (sources: 1234), and reproductive problems. This ingredient made the EWG’s top 12 dirty dozen food additives - which means it’s one of the worst food additives in existence!
  • Genetically Modified Ingredients? – Several of the ingredients used by Mrs. Fields typically come from genetically modified (GMO) crops. When we called Mrs. Fields customer service and asked whether they use any GMO ingredients, the agent did not seem to understand what we were asking. They have not responded to email requests. I will update you here when (and if) they respond. These ingredients are often derived from GMOs and can be found in Mrs. Fields holiday gifts: Sugar, Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Soybean Oil, Mono & Diglycerides, Soy Lecithin, Citric Acid, Cornstarch, Canola Oil, Fructose, Xanthan Gum, Cottonseed Oil, Glycerin, Food Starch.
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Don’t give the “Gift” of junk food. 

Read more:

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Prairies Vanishing in the US Amid Push for Corn Ethanol-Based Energy

  • The US boasted nearly 92 million acres of corn crops in 2014 – the fifth largest corn acreage in the US since 1944 (and 93 percent of it is genetically modified)
  • Since the US government began requiring corn ethanol in fuel in 2007, more than 1.2 million acres of grassland have been lost to corn (and soy) crops
  • Plowing up native grasslands to plant vast expanses of corn and soy – the epitome of monoculture -- releases carbon dioxide into the environment while increasing erosion and the use of toxic fertilizers and other chemicals; it also destroys habitat for native plants and wildlife.
  • More than 8 million acres of grassland and wetlands have been converted to corn from 2008 to 2011, which released at least 80 million tons of carbon a year
  • In 2014, economists estimate that $9.6 billion in taxpayer money could be paid out to corn, barley, soybean, rice, wheat, and sorghum producers due to government subsidies – double what was paid in 2013 and 53 percent more than the Congressional Budget Office predicted
  • Read more: 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Deadly Fukushima radiation up 50,000% as elevated radiation levels seen across North America

Beta radiation levels are off the charts at monitoring sites all across North America, according to new reports. But experts are blaming these radiation spikes on practically everything except for Fukushima.

Data gathered from tracking units in California, Arizona, Illinois and elsewhere reveal radiation levels up to 50,000 percent higher than what was observed at the same time last year, and in some cases compared to levels seen this past summer. says the impacted sites are scattered throughout the country and aren't just confined to the West Coast. Readings taken near Los Angeles; Chicago; Montgomery, Alabama; and Madison, Wisconsin, reveal total beta counts per minute (CPM) greatly exceeding the 1,000 CPM threshold considered by the government to be problematic.

In Tucson, Arizona, for instance, a 460 CPM reading was recently taken, which is more than 10 times higher than the reading taken last year on November 27. Similarly, Phoenix, Arizona's 735 CPM reading measured more than 21 times higher than last year's reading.

San Diego appears to be one of the hardest-hit areas, with a CPM reading of 650, as of October 1. This figure is 60 times higher than it was last year on the same date, despite the fact that San Diego's normal background radiation rate typically hovers around 20 CPM.

"U.S. Environmental Protection Agency RadNet radiation monitors have detected renewed surges in atmospheric readings of dangerous beta radiation across the country," explains about the seemingly inexplicable phenomenon.

"Over a dozen metropolitan test sites have registered four-month highs in's most recent comprehensive assessment."

Radiation testing site near Chicago records radiation levels thousands of times higher than maximum safety threshold

Commenting on the situation, one reader offered his own assessment that these readings are "astronomically high." He was quick to denounce Fukushima as a possible cause, though, adding that this would only be possible if "something there has changed dramatically."

Either way, the radiation levels being detected are still a major cause for concern. Anything above 100 CPM is considered by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to be a potential hazardous materials situation requiring the deployment of hazmat protocols.

At a testing site in St. Charles, Illinois, located just west of Chicago, a recent peak reading of 7,298 CPM caught the attention of some environmental activists, who chided the media for remaining silent on the issue.

This reading represents a nearly 7,300 percent radiation increase beyond CHP's safety threshold. This site apparently experienced a series of massive radiation spikes beginning at approximately 1:00 am and lasting for as long as six hours.

California official blames plastic eating utensils for radiation spike, insist it can't be Fukushima

Back in California, county officials in San Mateo recorded radiation levels at a local beach measuring 100 micro-REM per hour, or 1 microsievert per hour, which is five times the normal amount. According to the Half Moon Bay Review, local environmental health director Dean Peterson was quick to denounce that this level poses any risk to human health.

When asked where this radiation might be coming from, Peterson admitted that he is "befuddled," but also denied that Fukushima could possibly be a cause. Instead, he says, it may be due to an excess of disposable eating utensils polluting the area.

"I honestly think the end result of this is that it's just higher levels of background radiation," stated Peterson to the HMB Review, adding that red-painted disposable eating utensils can also contribute to localized radiation spikes.


The Sexodus: Guys are checking out of society & relationships

Radical Feminism is Destroying Young Men
Why are more and more young men giving up on women and checking out of society?
They’re calling it The Sexodus – an entire generation of boys abandoning female company, relinquishing relationships and retreating into a virtual reality world of pornography, video games, lad culture and chemical addictions.
Anecdotally, the flip side of the equation also seems to be true. How often do you hear women who have resisted the brainwashing of radical feminism bemoaning the fact that they can no longer find “real men”? Men who are actually confident enough to know how to act around women without being constantly terrified that every word they utter, every behavior they express, every opinion they espouse, may be taken as offensive, sexist or predatory.
In part one of a series of articles on The Sexodus, Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos notes that an entire generation of young people are being left behind in the wreckage of the social engineering project that is third wave feminism.
Yiannopoulos spoke to Jack Rivlin, editor of over 30 student newspapers, who told him of the increasingly troubling trend of young men on campus being completely clueless and scared when it comes to how to engage with women.
What’s to blame for this breakdown? The hysterical propaganda surrounding so-called rape culture, exemplified by the recent Rolling Stone/University of Virginia scandal, plays a major role. As does its consequences, mandatory “consent” classes and California’s onerous and confusing “yes means yes” law, where students, in whatever state of inebriation, need to secure a kind of arbitrary verbal contract with each other before they can engage in any kind of sexual activity.
The deadening of young boys’ naturally rambunctious behavior via ADHD drugs like Ritalin, as well as their educational abandonment, is also creating a generation of dysfunctional and reclusive adolescents devoid of all self esteem, miserable, and unable to relate to the opposite sex.
The discrepancy between what women say they want and what they actually want also serves to confuse young men further.
“Men are constantly told they should be delicate, sensitive fellow travellers on the feminist path,” writes Yiannopoulos. “But the same women who say they want a nice, unthreatening boyfriend go home and swoon over simple-minded, giant-chested, testosterone-saturated hunks in Game of Thrones. Men know this, and, for some, this giant inconsistency makes the whole game look too much like hard work. Why bother trying to work out what a woman wants, when you can play sports, masturbate or just play video games from the comfort of your bedroom?”
The divorce process is also set up to grossly favor women over men, leaving many men frightened to get married for fear of losing everything. Women are also becoming less and less interested in monogamy, claiming the ‘player’ mantle so often ascribed to men for themselves as some twisted form of sexual equality.
Are western men in increasing numbers at risk of turning into Japan’s herbivores, men who shun sex and prefer to go on long walks rather than flirt with girls? Is it any surprise that many men are turning to infamous pick up artists like Julien Blanc in a desperate last ditch effort to reclaim their confidence around women?
Traditionally male characteristics, qualities and traits have also been ridiculed by third wave feminism and contemporary culture. There are virtually no true positive male role models left at all. Men have been brainwashed that “white knight” behavior is the only recourse left to get them laid, when of course, that doesn’t work either.
The response to part one of Yiannopoulos’s article was overwhelming, with over 500 men responding to say how much they resonated with its message.
24-year-old Mark wrote, “Everyone I know feels the same. Your article spoke directly to us. We’re not all losers and nerds, we’re just normal guys who are either scared of being accused of terrible stuff by harpies or simply can’t be bothered any more. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I just can’t deal with hassle of women any more.”
“I’m an athlete. My parents have a lot of money. I have plenty of friends and a good social life. I don’t hang out with women any more, wrote 28-year-old Francis. “Occasionally I’ll have one night stands, but mostly I fill my time with other things. I got accused of molesting a girl at college and since then I’ve just thought, whatever. I play sports instead.”
This is the Sexodus – young men giving up on women entirely as a result of the destruction wrought by social engineering and radical feminism, a process which then punishes women by leaving them with a choice between the simpering, pathetic white knight or the emotionally or physically abusive thug.
Once again, the train wreck of radical feminism and the contrived gender war – promoted at every turn by the political class and establishment media – is driving a wedge between men and women, it’s derailing the cohesiveness of western society. This is the most ominous form of social engineering. This is divide and conquer on the biggest scale imaginable.

Read more:

Islamic preacher: ISIS beheads 'to save American lives'

The Islamic State’s bloody campaign of public beheadings is actually intended to save American lives, Britain’s most notorious Islamic cleric declared in a radio interview Sunday.
“One of the primary reasons why you see what you are seeing on your own television and Internet is to try to end the war quickly,” stated radical preacher Anjem Choudary when asked to justify the ISIS beheadings.
“This kind of terrorizing and horrifying the enemy is saying to them, ‘Look don’t engage with them. Stay away.’ This is supposed to be something which drives the enemy away and therefore saves many lives.”
Choudary was speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s AM 970 The Answer, audio of which was obtained in advance by WND.
Choudary, founder of the banned terrorist supporting group Al Muhajiroun, attempted to use the Quran to justify the ISIS beheadings, which until now include the public executions of two American journalists as well as one American and two British aid workers.
On Friday it was reported ISIS beheaded four Christian children in Iraq for refusing to denounce Jesus and convert to Islam, according to the leader of the Anglican church in Baghdad.
Speaking to Klein, Choudary quoted chapter 8 verse 60 of the Quran, which states:
“And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.”
Choudary continued: “I mean, you may see in Somalia with the film ‘Black Hawk Down’ that the Americans withdrew because they could not tolerate what was taking place to their own soldiers.
“And you now however gruesome it may seem, you know, the propaganda element and the kind of terrorizing effect of this cannot be denied … it is intended to have that effect. To say, ‘Look don’t come to the area.’”
Choudary praised France, Italy and Turkey for engaging in hostage exchanges.
“And yet,” he added, “the Americans and British refused and obviously you can see the consequences of that.”


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ginger Baby Bok Choy Recipe

Also known as Chinese white cabbage, bok choy is a leafy green vegetable with a long list of impressive health benefits, and a mild flavor that makes it perfect for a wide range of uses in the kitchen— you can use it to make salads and coleslaw, add it to soups, or, even juice it raw with other leafy greens.
Bok choy is the number one vegetable in China (in contrast to the US, where broccoli and Brussels sprouts are the most commonly consumed cruciferous vegetables), but it's also a favorite in other Asian cuisines, such as Vietnamese, Malaysian, and Thai.
If you're craving bok choy's crunchy goodness with an Oriental twist, then here's the perfect recipe for you…
  • 6 heads baby bok choy
  • 1½ tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
  • 1½ tablespoons tamari soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mirin*
  • ½ teaspoon honey
  • 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 pinch red pepper flakes
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger
  • 2 scallions
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
Note: Have all ingredients ready as the stir frying is rather quick.
  1. Remove the bottoms from the bok choy heads. Separate the leaves and cut across into small pieces, keeping stems and leaves separate.
  2. Mix together the vinegar, tamari, mirin, honey, and toasted sesame oil in a bowl. Set aside.
  3. Over high heat, warm the sauté pan or wok, add the olive oil, making sure it covers the pan. Add the bok choy, red pepper flakes, scallions, garlic, and ginger. Stir fry for 30 seconds.
  4. Add sauce mixture and cook for about 1 minute, until mixture thickens. Add bok choy leaves and cook for another 30 seconds.
  5. Place the bok choy in a serving bowl, add a squeeze of lemon and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve immediately.
This recipe makes 4 servings.
*Can be found in the Asian food aisle at the grocery store or in an Asian market.
(From Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type)

Ginger Baby Bok Choy Cooking Tips

How do you select the best bok choy to use for your meals? Here's my advice: look for firm stalks and dark-green, crisp leaves, and avoid those that are wilted or soft.
You can store bok choy in your refrigerator for several days. To prepare, trim off the base and remove any discolored leaves, separate the stalks, and wash them under cold running water.
Do not overcook bok choy, though. Tender-crisp is the best way to go, as it helps preserve the vegetable's many nutrients. Whatever happens, do not microwave bok choy – just two minutes in the microwave destroys many of its healthful enzymes.
Ginger Baby Bok Choy Nutrition Facts
Calories 135
Total Fat 5 g
Carbs 13 g
Protein 6 g

Why Is Ginger Baby Bok Choy Good for You?

Bok choy is loaded with vitamins C and K, beta-carotene, vitamin A1 (higher than any other cabbage variety), and dietary fiber, but only has 20 calories per cup – it's no surprise that bok choy has made it into my most highly recommended vegetables list. If you're trying to lose weight, this is one of the best foods you can add to your meals.
Bok choy contains a wealth of anti-inflammatory nutrients that can keep inflammation at bay. It has anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol, and thiocyanate, an antioxidant that can protect cells from inflammatory substances made in response to an injury or infection in your body. Thiocyanate, according to researchers, may even hold clues to treating serious inflammatory disorders like diabetes, heart disease, and cystic fibrosis.2
Another beneficial antioxidant phytocompound found in bok choy is called indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which also has anti-inflammatory effects that operate on a genetic level, and may help prevent inflammatory responses at the early stages of disease development. I3C has also been found to halt the cell cycle in breast cancer cells without actually killing the cells.3
Other health benefits of eating bok choy include:
  • Better bone health. A cup of bok choy has about 26 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K1, which is known for its role in blood clotting and bone metabolism.4
  • Reduced risk of brain shrinkage. The healthy amounts of B vitamins in bok choy can help slow down brain shrinkage by as much as seven-fold5 in regions that are specifically impacted by Alzheimer's disease.
  • Support for your heart health. Scientists believe that sulforaphane in bok choy can help improve DNA methylation,6 which is essential for normal cellular function and proper gene expression, particularly for the endothelium, the inner lining of the arteries that becomes easily damaged. 
  Another superstar ingredient in this recipe is ginger, which, in my opinion, is one of the most phenomenal spices you can add to your meals. Ginger is a rich source of antioxidants like gingerols, shogaols, zingerones, and more. In fact, it has over 40 pharmacological actions, such as broad-spectrum antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-parasitic properties.
I actually recommend ginger for its anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an effective pain reliever that may rival non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). For more about ginger's health benefits, read my previous article, "Ginger's Many Evidence-Based Health Benefits Revealed."