Saturday, September 27, 2014

Crazy Feminist Mom Angry That Teacher Won't Serve Her Vagina Cookies to 2nd Graders

In an installment of Dear Reddit, TIFU (Today, I F&*ked Up) , a teacher describes how a mother brought cookies decorated to look like vaginas* into her second grade class and said, "I decided you can use these to teach the kids about the woman's vagina today."
When the teacher saw the assortment of frosted vaginas and realized this was no joke, she told the mother she could not serve the cookies because they were inappropriate. The mother flew into a rage, screaming that the teacher should be proud of her vagina. The poor teacher just stood there:
Utterly bemused and frozen from shock all I can do is stand and stare at the woman as the word 'vagina' is yelled in front of my second grade class about 987,000 times.
Screaming at the teacher about vaginal pride in front of 7-year-olds wasn't enough for this mother. Later in the day, she sent these emails to the teacher:


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