Wednesday, October 29, 2014

U.S. State Dept. to transport foreign Ebola victims to U.S. hospitals for treatment

First we were told that Ebola wouldn't come to America. Then we were promised the best way to keep Ebola out of America was to eliminate quarantines and travel restrictions. Now, to the astonishment of nearly everyone, the U.S. government is planning to deliberately transport Ebola-infected foreigners to the United States for treatment in U.S. hospitals. Taxpayers will foot the bill, estimated at half a million dollars per patient.

This has all come out in a four-page memo acquired by the Washington Times. "The State Department has quietly made plans to bring Ebola-infected doctors and medical aides to the U.S. for treatment," the Times reports. [1] " The memo even details the expected price per patient, with transportation costs at $200,000 and treatment at $300,000."

The U.S. State Dept. is the same government entity that recently posted an acquisition contract for 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits, which many now believe are being stockpiled in the United States to deal with the Ebola outbreak that's widely anticipated by the government.

So far in the battle against Ebola, the U.S. federal government and White House seem to be working in favor of the deadly virus instead of against it. At every turn, the CDC has deliberately misinformed the public about the ease of Ebola transmission, lied about its incubation period, lied about the spread distance of aerosolized body fluids, prevented the implementation of travel restrictions and even actively dismantled quarantine policies in New Jersey and New York.

America now governed by the Ebola administration

It is difficult to imagine how the U.S. government could be more of an ally of Ebola than it is already. It has done everything imaginable to promote the spread of Ebola short of lining people up and injecting them with it.

Remember: This is an administration that went from saying Ebola won't ever come to America to literally importing Ebola-infected patients into U.S. hospitals under a deliberate plan to bring them here!

Each day that I read the news on Ebola, I am increasingly astonished at the almost unimaginable reluctance of the Obama administration to support anything that might protect Americans from the pandemic. Every good idea that might offer hope for keeping America safe -- such as the NJ and NY mandatory quarantines for high-risk travelers -- has been immediately and deliberately shot down by the White House working in unison with the CDC.

The ludicrousness of government actions on all this has me wondering whether the CDC should change its name to the Centers for Disease Collaboration.

Above all, given that U.S. hospitals have already proven they cannot contain Ebola in patients, how does the State Dept. think that bringing more Ebola patients to the United States is supposed to protect Americans?

Ebola may not have yet spread across America, but mental insanity is already an epidemic in Washington D.C.

Sources for this article include:


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