Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Candy Swaps To Avoid Toxic Chemicals on Halloween

Before I knew anything about food and its effects on the body – I was a candy addict. To my family and friends, I was the queen of candy! I knew every brand, every flavor, and always had candy with me. And then, during my wellness journey years ago, when I discovered all my beloved candy had chemicals, trans fats, preservatives and petroleum based artificial colors added to it – I flipped. I immediately banned all major brands of candy and haven’t looked back.
Just look at the ingredients in Starbursts & Twizzler Twerpz and you’ll see what I mean.
I also found out these brands contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms) – something I hadn’t given much thought to until recently.

And then I thought about the upcoming holiday and how many people are going to be buying this junk and giving genetically modified candy to their friends, neighbors and families.
If you’ve already bought your Halloween candy and it’s one of these brands on the left of this chart below – you might want to start looking for your receipt.
I created this chart to help navigate better candy choices without the added chemicals, preservatives, trans fats, artificial colors and GMOs.  The brands on the right are amazing GMO free substitutes that are very similar tasting to the popular candy brands on the left.
Many of the better and GMO free candy options are available to purchase at local health food stores, on the internet and at even some mainstream stores like Target.

If we all take a stand and stop supporting companies that use these chemicals and GMOs in their products – eventually there will be a tipping point. A tipping point, where food manufacturers will willingly remove these ingredients from their products.
Tell all your friends, neighbors and family members you want a GMO free Halloween this year and share these ideas with them.
Food Babe
P.S. Don’t forget to read my full investigation on chocolate and my other favorite chocolate brands here.
P.P.S. If you’d like to keep your Halloween completely candy free and GMOfree – Check out these adorable jack-o-latern faced tangerines a fan posted on my Facebook page and 100 Days of Real Food’s 20 ways to do Halloween without candy.



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